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If you start with another machine, does it label you as multiple machine folding?
If it does, what is a way around this, for someone that has not heavily reasearched program, but I have over 5000 points folded.
Does it somehow reduce your count by 2 if it lables you as dual machine folding? You would think it would give you better credits...
The more the better! Some of us are just limited to one rig.
Some of us are limited to one SLOW rig
There has been an ongoing competition between the single-rig folders. We can't churn out as many as the multi-rig folders so why not compete on our own level playing field....
This was probably asked previously, or in a different thread, but I have a P4 w/Hyperthreading can F@H utilize the virtual core and process on both? If you can, anyone know how to?
"Science" magazine has designated as breakthrough of the year what it calls "evolution in action", highlighting three areas in molecular evolutionary biology. "Science" says that the advances show that evolution underlies all biology.

* The first area is the sequencing of the chimp genome, which shows only a 4% difference from the human genome. In addition to confirming the close relationship between humans and chimps, there are possible practical applications. Chimps do not have certain human diseases and this may help identify the genetic change that makes chimps immune.

* An international program is developing something called a human haplotype map. That is they are developing a catalogue of genetic variability between different groups of people, looking for patterns in genetic differences that map with differences to susceptibility to different diseases.

* Research is going on into formation of new species under natural conditions. One example given was comparison of fresh water stickleback fish and saltwater sticklebacks from which they evolved after being stranded in lakes at the end of the last ice age. The change is not minor. The fresh water fish have lost the bony armor that the salt water fish have. This large change has been traced to mutation of a single gene.

Relatively large change due to change in a single gene is now being found in several instances. For example, it appears that skin color, black or white, is due to changes in a single gene.

Molecular biology in terms of study of the genetics of living creatures is going to have an incredible impact on peoples lives over the next few decades.

BTW, if you can, support folding@Home by dedicating some of your PC power to helping all of mankind!
I did run F@H on one of my PC's before the mobo experienced a horrible death by faulty leaking capacitors =/
I am also a member of the THG F@H team! 😀

Now I am waiting until F@H becomes a part of the BOINC system (I can't get into the F@H BOINC beta currently and I really wish I could). I use BOINC and run all of their projects.
Does anyone happen to know the current status of the F@H BOINC implementation?
Hi TC10284! Welcome to the team! What nick are you folding with?
Anyway: time for a new update:

THGC: Team ranked 99 with a total score of just above 5 m points; those points stem from just above 30 K workunits we crunched through!

apesoccer: 500K Congrats!
Keep Folding, Team!
Good job folding all, were moving up quickly. I convinced my neighboor to run Folding with my name and our team #. Extra points for us even thought her comps only on 2-6 hours a day.

EDIT: Woot 14th highest producer today. My next 600 pointer will be done Sat around 7Pm EST.
I had a 600 pointer lined up for a few days ago... and the bloody thing died on me.

how come when ever that happens to me i never end up getting some of the value out of it. it only had a couple more hours left.

Bah... i have another one coming... better not do the same thing.
What usually happens with those is that the info from the log file gets sent with the next completed WU. It gets recorded with stanford, and you end up getting a bunch of points, when they do the correction. I got s few thousand points in the last correction.
This was probably asked previously, or in a different thread, but I have a P4 w/Hyperthreading can F@H utilize the virtual core and process on both? If you can, anyone know how to?

It is certainly possible, but Stanford discourages it here. If you'd like to do it anyways there is a link here on how-to.
There are differing opinions as to how much you gain in terms of points. on the high end, some say you can return 2 WU in 150% of the time. Another factor to consider is that even though Ht is on, and it may appear as if only half of your cycles are being used it is actually closer to 100%. Another option would be to disable HT in the bios. Either way, happy folding. It has become my new obsession.

BTW We are ranked number 98 now and climbing.

Does anyone know why extreme lists us as 98 and Stanford has us at 100???
What’s with the "(incl. aggregate)"?
maybe it's because google isn't a proper team with individual members...
they grab all cpu-cycles of machines where they find a cookie that allows them to do so (or so I imagine as a lay-man 😉)
btw: eoc-stats are down! ("server-load to high") but I saw enough to report that our daily avg. is still climbing; mostly thanks to sjonnie, who delivers a whopping 4.5K/day (and is currently very close to his 1st million), but also because of a whole bunch of new users (like U cunninglinguist) who have made it to the top 20 producers chart!
Yippieh! Fold on!