This may start a fight... oh well



Ok guys, just to make sure you know i am neutral on this... I HAD a Pentium 200, i then bought an Tbird 1.1 and crushed the core with my SuperORB shi.t HSF... And now i am still an AMD backer, but wanna know more about Intel... Don't be stupid and start saying about all the bad points and start an argument like we frequently see with FUGGER (damn you fugger)... hehe..

Intel CPU's... There's a lot of new ones i never knew about, anyone wanna tell me more about em? (i know the Intel fans have gotta be itching to tell everyone)

And... AMD fans... what new cpu's have they got and what's their stuff? I have been reading so i know "of" them, and mostly everything about the Tbirds and Durons... but what's these Palamino things, and Athlon C's?

Go on, have fun...

<b><font color=blue>Note to self: Never buy <i>anything</i> without checking with <font color=red>Tom</font color=red> first...
Intel make some damn fine CPU's the PIII is a good bet especially with the recent price drops and if you want a good priced Dual CPU system it is the way to go(the only way right now), the P4 is an no go until the northwood comes out (which is soon) but you will not see the real performance gains fom it until you start using some of the very latest software including SSE2,either way I would stick with the RDram if you do get one.

As for AMD you have got the latest Athlon 'C' out up to 1.2ghz(266fsb) and the 761 DDR chipset which is a damn fine combo(I have just purchased one myself) the new 1.3ghz athlon should be out soon but I would be careful with that cos of the delay in it's release(not sure of the quality) and the Palamino should be out in July with much better power consumption and lower heat production but it is still basically an Athlon core.

What ever you buy becareful of the wafer as they are not very strong(as you know) that goes for Intel and AMD.

If I where you I would buy a cheap Athlon/Duron drop it in your system and wait for a while for the dust to settle with the P4 then compare it to the best AMD offering at the time.

Have Fun


Opinions are like arseholes .... everybody’s got one.... :smile:
Ok maybe i gave you the wrong impression... ya made me out to be some kinda newbie. Ok. well i'm not a newbie. I just didn't know about Intel's new chips, and AMD's new ones. Like Sledghammer, Palimino, Itanium, Xeon, Northwood... that sorta stuff.

But anyway, thanks for that none the less... I am aware that Intel make some good chips, the P3 should stand the test for a while, i am gonna go ahead and predict the P4 will be off the market very soon, and RDRam i believe will lose to DDRRam simply because, it's faster, cheaper and everything can use it (eg all chip manufacturers have the oportunity to use it). SSE2 i am not too knowledgable about so i won't even try, but i am gonna assume it's something to do with either memory or encoding or something, but whatever it is, i do know this. It's going to be a cold day in hell when every software manufacturer makes every new piece of their software optimised for SSE2.

The Athon C, still not sure <i>exactly</i> what that is but i do know that my local computer store already has a 1.3ghz Tbird on their shelves so i'm happy. Palimino sounds good..

I think you're right about the duron, i think i better wait till the pal's come out, they sound much stabler.

THanks for that

<b><font color=blue>Note to self: Never buy <i>anything</i> without checking with <font color=red>Tom</font color=red> first...
<<<But anyway, thanks for that none the less... I am aware that Intel make some good chips, the P3 should stand the test for a while, i am gonna go ahead and predict the P4 will be off the market very soon, and RDRam i believe will lose to DDRRam simply because, it's faster, cheaper and everything can use it (eg all chip manufacturers have the oportunity to use it).>>>

thats a very poor prediction unless you believe that intel is going out of business. the p4 with rambus(soon to be 1ghz) will whoop the shi tout of a p4 with ddr sdram unless the ddr clock speeds go up drasticly.

<<<SSE2 i am not too knowledgable about so i won't even try, but i am gonna assume it's something to do with either memory or encoding or something, but whatever it is, i do know this. It's going to be a cold day in hell when every software manufacturer makes every new piece of their software optimised for SSE2.>>>

youd better bundle up then
Hate to tell you but I agree with him. RAMBUS will disapear and so will P4. It just doesn't stand a chance.

"648kb is all the space anyone will ever need!"

Bill Gates, 1980s
I don't think the P4 is very impressive either, but we still haven't seen the new one.

Also, Rambus is really expensive so I could see it dissapear, but I have to agree with Cyber on this one: Intel is pushing Rambus, and have you seen something that Intel pushes fail?

The 1.3 and the 1.33 are not being delayed for any reason other than AMD trying to make more money. And apparently they are "on the shelf".

If you crushed the core, get a duron for now and wait for the Northwood and the Palamino or however you spell it...

SSE2 isn't going to do much. So what if 3 programs will use it. So what if office will use it. That isn't going to influence anybody unless that's all they use and they have deep pockets.

I really think we are in limbo. We have watched AMD and Intel wage speed wars, but we are right about to see the quality come forth. We demand it.

<font color=red>This is a forum, not a chat room. You aren't going to find a date here.</font color=red>
Audiophile generally means Hi-Fi Enthusiast with their Hi-Fi non scientific philosophy and never accept scientific facts no matter how plain and simple and black and white it is. It is like a kid not wanting to believe the truth.

But you are not a real Audiophile therefore you are not what I've just said.

There are some good audiophiles of course not all of them are wrong, these people however are stuck between the stages of Audiophile and Acoustician, I don't know what to call them but know they have the potential to be realistic, understanding and etc. These people usually distance themself from the regular audiophiles.

Finally Acoustician (comes from the word Acoustics) This you will find in dictionary. Emmm, wave specialist in short, wave you can hear or you cannot hear all included. Like Sound, Radar, Sonar etc.

Acoustician are scientific, never trust anything without proof of any kind and even after seeing the proof will still perform tests of their own to verify the validity.

Me, being half bucket fill means I know something very well while other things not very well, I'm sure you know why, simply because if I like I learn propaly while I don't like, I don't learn so well.


You are not the kind of audiophile I know, if I was to term, I would probably call you "Musician" not exactly correct..... don't know what to call you. Well, you are who you are anyway

Best regards
Athlon-C originally spec to use FSB133 instead of the regular ones at FSB100

don't know what is palomino, forgot actually

All athlon starting from 1000Mhz uses copper connects, which helps everything

one example, my Athlon 1000Mhz can overclock to 1333Mhz without increasing CPU voltage, because copper conducts better than aluminum, bla bla bla etc.

so don't get athlon 950 or below.

Best regards

<b><font color=blue>Note to self: Never buy <i>anything</i> without checking with <font color=red>Tom</font color=red> first...
Btw... i have never heard anyone describe something like that so religiously, well done..

Try to define what you think i am..
I am addicted to:
- hi-fi stuff
- music of all sorts
- directional sound
- bass reflex
- high quality encoding and playback
- and basically everything else that has to do with sound

- computers in general
- building/testing/reviewing computer parts
- helping people with computer problems
- buying new components.

god i'm hard to define...

<b><font color=blue>Note to self: Never buy <i>anything</i> without checking with <font color=red>Tom</font color=red> first...
Thanks for that little piece of abbreviated wisdom..

Tell me something, i heard a rumour that all AMD chips are being shipped or have been shipped without the 3 pins that enable the Clock Multiplier to be unlocked using the L1 bridges... True or False..?

And another thing, i am buying a new Duron 800 to replace my Athlon 1.1 until the palamino comes out... By which time i will be able to afford it.. Do you see any disadvantages in using a Duron 800? I am intending on Overclocking it, i am using Air Cooling with the ThermoEngine HSF... Suggestions? Oh and, what do you think i could overclock it to?

<b><font color=blue>Note to self: Never buy <i>anything</i> without checking with <font color=red>Tom</font color=red> first...
Ahh Griz, you are so wise and wonderful aren't you?
= ]

The P4 that is currently out is doomed to fail simply because it can't stand up to it's much slower counterpart, and it's enormous price. RAMBUS will also die out, even though it's being pushed to horrendous speeds, because it took is too expensive for the average Joe (or Audiophile as the case may be... :) But yeah DDR is going places, i just got a gut feeling...

Anyway, enough of that...

<b><font color=blue>Note to self: Never buy <i>anything</i> without checking with <font color=red>Tom</font color=red> first...
Ahhh joy, i'm a member at last!!
i love being important-ish

<b><font color=blue>Note to self: Never buy <i>anything</i> without checking with <font color=red>Tom</font color=red> first...
I hate to burst bubbles, but...

The P4 is not going to vanish. Besides the fact that it is INTEL and Intel chips don't disappear from the market, there is also the fact that the P4 has a lot of potential.

Now we all know that the Wilamette sucks. It's FPU was hacked in half. And It's cache was stripped down and compressed to try and make up the difference. This means that about the only code it runs as fast/well as Intel has claimed it would is optimized code.

But the Northwood most likely won't have these limitations. The .13 micron process will let Intel fit more on the die, which is exactly why the .18 micron Wilamette was hacked up in the first place. So the full FPU will be there. The full cache will be there. And thus it will run even UNOPTIMIZED code fast. And it'll run optimized code even faster. Plus, the P4 scales to incredibly high GHz ratings.

So the chip is here to stay. Complain all you want about it, but the future P4 derivatives won't be seeing the same flaws that the initial P4s had, and that'll make it a lasting chip.

RDRAM isn't likely to vanish or lose out to DDR SDRAM. In a system designed to use it's higher frequencies properly, such as in the P4 systems, the memory proves itself quite useful.

Yes, it's more expensive than SDRAM. BUT, compared to DDR SDRAM, it really isn't all that much more expensive. A 128MB PC800 RDRAM stick will cost you about fourty bucks more than a 128MB PC2100 DDR SDRAM stick the last time I checked. For a high-end complete system, saving $40 to $80 just isn't very much at all. Low-end systems aren't going to use RDRAM or DDR SDRAM. They'll be using the cheap single-rate SDRAM. So don't even try to use that as an argument because we all know it's pointless.

Besides, RDRAM does offer a lot of potential that SDRAM derivatives won't. It's only two drawbacks are latency and price. Once RDRAM systems are sold more, price will drop. It's already dropped by vast amounts. And I'm sure the latency issue is being worked on.

Besides, both memory types will probably be replaced in another five years time anyway by ferro-electric magnetic RAM or even nano-etched RAM. By that time DDR will be just as dead as RDRAM for new systems.

And SSE2 optimizations are bound to catch on a LOT more than people seem to give it credit for. Just because Intel started it doesn't mean it's some sort of bane or piece of crap. Even AMD admits it's usefulness and WILL be including SSE2 in their new chips.

So with both Intel AND AMD backing it, I can't see how any software developer would NOT want to optimize for it. You'd have to be stupid not to. Just like how widely MMX caught on, so will SSE2.

SSE1 didn't catch on as well because of a number of reasons. Intel was the only one pushing it. AMD had their own 3DNow! technology. And SSE1 only offered integer math functionality (as far as I know). So software developers didn't gain much by supporting SSE1 because not only would not all new chips benefit from it, but it didn't even offer anything for floating-point math.

SSE2 on the other hand is going to be supported by both Intel and AMD. And it has floating-point operations. So ANY software will be able to benefit from it. And software optimized for it will gain those benefits whether they are running on a new Intel chip or a new AMD chip. So you better believe SSE2 will catch on, otherwise you're just deluding yourself.

-<font color=orange>Olestra</font color=orange> may cause <font color=red>abdominal cramping</font color=red> and <font color=yellow>loose stools</font color=yellow>.
Easy? They have to rescript and recompile the programs! Not just recompiling! $$$$!!!! TIME TIME TIME!!!!!! NOT EASY NOT EASY NOT EASY!!!

"648kb is all the space anyone will ever need!"

Bill Gates, 1980s
Okie Dokie, you wanna start something then? ok with me!

I said the <b>current</b> P4 chip would die out, i said the Northwood had promise, and i was talking about in the short-term for home users like us when i referred to RDRAM not catching on.

Another thing is, your argument seems to have a lot of "i think"'s in it, are you certain about what you're arguing? Because if you aren't then don't add your bit! This forum's for people who know what they're talking about, you sound like you've read a couple of reviews of the P4 or read Intel's site about SSE2 and gone crazy thinkin you know everything about it..

Link logically here for <b><i>one second</b></i> and you will see that basically everyone's argument but yours makes sense. Intel are a huge company, no denying that, and there's no way they're gonna just die out completely while they still have their (for fear of sounding too much like FUGGER) "Intel Lemmings"... But the sheer fact of the matter is, Intel are not working hard enough on producing top-rate chips at the rate they should be. Three or four years ago, market predictions would have seen Intel being the top of the line for everything computer wise... But they seem to me to be falling far behind.

The Northwood, i have no idea about, but it sounds promising (even if it's AMD's counterpart still sounds better...). But the RDRAM, unless it drops dramatically from it's current price, is still far too expensive for the average user, and DDR Ram is much cheaper (for me anyway, i have had a look around and here's the prices i found at my local stores (i'm in Australia):
128meg NANYA DDR266 (PC2100)

Memory 128MB DDR266 SDRAM 184pin
$ 349.00

Memory 256MB DDR266 SDRAM 184pin
$ 649.00

Memory 128MB RDRAM
$ 979.00

Memory 128MB RDRAM & Intel VC820 Bundle
$ 399.00

Memory 256MB RDRAM
$ 1,999.00

Now, how can you say it's a 20 to 40 dollar difference here?
<b>HALF</b> of the RDRAM (128mb) is $300 more than 256MB of DDR RAM! So there, i am right about the price... For me anyway.

I think that SSE2 may catch on, perhaps... I hadn't heard about AMD taking hold of it... If it's anything like MMX, then AMD will run with it and make it better than Intel do... It's just what they do... But also, i didn't say it would completely die out, in fact, everything i said would die out, i didn't mean literally, but more... Socially... No one is going to buy it... It may not go off the market and they may continue to make it, but if Hyundai and other RAM manufacturers don't get their acts together, i hear they may be going out of business... I saw a TV Interview on CNN i think it was, they were interviewing the heads of Hyundai and some other huge RAM company, can't remember the name, make home appliances as well.. But anyway, they were both saying they were in trouble, one had too much wafer and wasn't selling enough ram, and the other didn't have enough wafer and couldn't keep up with demand! I think i see a merger coming on..

- P4 may stay around, but not in the everyday home user's PC
- RAMBUS may stay around as well, but not in the PC's
- I eagerly await getting a look at the Northwood
- I think, from personal experience and tests, that AMD is the better chip, that's why i only use AMD now, i never used to, but facts can't lie.
- I think you should think about arguments more before you responde.
- I think i am getting my new Duron 800 today!!! YAY!

<b><font color=blue>Note to self: Never buy <i>anything</i> without checking with <font color=red>Tom</font color=red> first...
Too right Griz... Listen to Griz everyone, he's a patriarch (heheh)...

Nah but seriously, Wusy you should probably wait till you know more about something before you go ahead and spurt [-peep-]. Do you even do any major programming? Do you know the sorta rigmarole (that's a scottish word i think, if you don't get it, it means trouble) that programmers have to go through when a new technique of coding becomes available? They need to learn how to use it, then scrap most if not all of their existing code, then re-write the code with SSE2 in this case, then compile it, debug it (possibly the longest task) and then market the new creation once it's relatively bug free. Now, the other downfall is, if SSE2 is a complicated and different as Intel are making it out to be, then existing software programmers are going to have to learn how to write it all over again, it takes years to perfect the skill of programming, and once you know one form, it's hard to totally scrap it and learn a new one, you just can't help but make mistakes. I know, i've tried!

SSE2 quite possibly has potential, but we definately won't be seeing any major changes due to it within the next few years.

<b><font color=blue>Note to self: Never buy <i>anything</i> without checking with <font color=red>Tom</font color=red> first...
I don't know anything about the PINs, rumours are always rumours until you actually see website review it or seen one yourself.

Duron 800, depends what you do. I originally had a Duron 650 O/C 900 and was extremely happy as shown by one of toms recent reviews that 900Mhz and above you hit nearly every graphics card bottle for games and after that you need to pursue a more powerful card for games rather than CPU.

I turned sad later on when I realise I need to change my project for my final year degree which is mathematical intersive, something like Seti which requires the computer to calculate for hours to obtain part of the solutions and the process have to be repeated again many times to get full solution. This is when I realise I need the fastest CPU I can get/afford, with FSB as high as possible and also as much RAM as I can afford to not to let the HDD pulls me down during the mathematical rought calculation time. bla bla bla

Duron 800 have high chance to hit 1G, see, when it comes to chances of success, never trust anyone except yourself. Everyone have a different luck!!!

HSF, not problems!!! just won't get you miracles like the Power Box!

Yes you are hard to define, for now, lets call you, On_The_Verge_of_Constant_Learning

You have already stepped over the boundary of a regular Audiophile. And if you are really interested in sound, ultimately you have to learn acoustics, there is no escape.

Best regards
"The P4 is not going to vanish. Besides the fact that it is INTEL and Intel chips don't disappear from the market, there is also the fact that the P4 has a lot of potential."

Has anyone seen a p3 1.13? An intel video card? Yes even some intel proucts fail. But you are both right the p4 will not disapear more like evolve.

"But the Northwood most likely won't have these limitations. The .13 micron process will let Intel fit more on the die, which is exactly why the .18 micron Wilamette was hacked up in the first place. So the full FPU will be there. The full cache will be there. And thus it will run even UNOPTIMIZED code fast. And it'll run optimized code even faster. Plus, the P4 scales to incredibly high GHz ratings."

You very well could be right here and the next generation of p4's may kick some serious ass. However it is also possible that adding the missing fpu and missing cache may negatively effect its scalability as well....time will tell.

I find humor in your Rdram to DDR Ram cost comparison. You are comparing a product that has been out only a couple months to a product that has been on the market over a year and a half. Once DDR Ram becomes more readily available it will come down to a price that is considerably cheaper then RDRAM. RDRAM's success or failure will not be decided by us but by large OEM's and what they decide to put into there machines. Hell alot of them already uses the slower Rdram which is a joke, what makes you think they won't use DDR if it is cheaper?

I would concur on your evalutation of SSE2. Thank god for all of use AMD and Intell will both use it.

A little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing!
I got no idea about the PINS either but it doesn't bother me now coz it's overclocked to 900 at the moment so it's cool...

I do really misc stuff on my computer, some games (mainly on holidays heaps of games) and during school days i use it for the net and chatting and music and stuff, and movies.. So i do need the 800 but i also sorta need a good graphics card (for the moment the MX will do me, but i am gonna save up and get a GF3 in about June/July... it's nice to know at 900 you can't do any better thanks for that, i couldn't remember that...

That maths sounds complicated, glad it's you and not me, i hate maths with a passion...

I have the 800 at 1.5V and 900mhz and it's fairly cool (50C in a hot room, 34C air temp) so i guess i can't complain... it's been stable as a rock so far..

HFS is a slight problem but i am gonna get the shop to put some arctic silver II on instead of the TIM that's on there now... not good enough, and then i will get a 7000Rpm delta fan so it'll be loud but really cool (in the 30C's). I say i will take it to the shop because i found the HSF was REEEEALLY hard to get on (it puts 19 pounds of pressure on it!!!) so i don't wanna risk cracking another core by doing it myself.. i don't mind really..

Thanks for the definition, sound very cool

<b><font color=blue>Note to self: Never buy <i>anything</i> without checking with <font color=red>Tom</font color=red> first...
Good post man, this is what the Toms Hardware Community forums should be like, instead of arguments they should be more factual... Most of the arguments you see on these forums are complete and utter tripe.

I agree with your theory about the negative affect from the Northwood, there has to be some reason why other processors don't beat it, in theory it would obviously be a cainer chip, but in practise it may have the limitations of today's current chips... you never can tell for sure.

I don't think anyone knows enough about the RIMM and DIMM issue that's been going on lately so perhaps we should just leave it alone and ride the next wave in so to speak... i can't predict what will happen for sure, but the way i see it at the moment, DDR is the best way all around, faster, cheaper and more compatible... just a prediction though, nothing more, nothing less.

Anyway, yeah good post my friend... keep up the good work.

<b><font color=blue>Note to self: Never buy <i>anything</i> without checking with <font color=red>Tom</font color=red> first...
Tell me wusy, why do you think it's necessary for people to go out and buy a water cooling system, or build one, or have one custom built, just so they can keep their computers cool. I mean, really... Do you have a genuine reason to why someone would want to keep their processor under say, 60C? I know it increases the lifespan of the chip, but honestly, why are you willing to spend hundreds of dollars on water cooling, to make your chip last longer than about 3 to 4 years, when you could just buy a stock standard air HSF and save up for a FASTER/BETTER processor when they come around?!

The point i am trying to make here is this:
- water cooling is expensive
- it adds to the weight and takes from the maneuverability of the computer system (weight and bulk)
- it's only going to stop the chip from dying within about 3 to 4 years, by which time the processor will be so out of date and "slow" by comparison that you will wish you had one of the newer/faster ones.
- by the time processors are SO fast that they NEED water cooling to stay anywhere near a decent temperature, they will be SOOOOO much cheaper you will be kicking yourself.
- by the time we <b>need</b> it, there will be new ways to keep it cool, like the new nano-cooling solutions that are coming to age now. These will be the way to go and the water cooling of of today will most likely be equivalent to the HSF's of today, for tomorrow..

You have to think logically when it comes to computers wusy, are you really going to want to keep a CPU for more than 5 years at the rate speeds are climbing? It was not more than 4 years ago that i had my Pentium 200 and it was pretty much the fastest thing i had ever seen, i think the 300 was in test phases... or something, but god, look at me now, i have had a 1100mhz and an 800mhz and a 900mhz since then!!!

It all comes down to what really matters to you...

<b><font color=blue>Note to self: Never buy <i>anything</i> without checking with <font color=red>Tom</font color=red> first...
"Audiophile generally means Hi-Fi Enthusiast with their Hi-Fi non scientific philosophy and never accept scientific facts no matter how plain and simple and black and white it is. It is like a kid not wanting to believe the truth."

I especially love the rubbish about gold plated connections on the power leads and ac power fuses that some companies / magazines / Audiophiles spout. Gold connections on the interconnects / speaker cables are good, but on a mains plug???? LoL ever looked at how much c**p there is on an ac power supply signal, the first thing good hi-fi needs to do is filter all that stuff out.

Of course I realised how bad ac supply is after I bought my gold plated mains plug, realising my error I constructed a small hydro electric power station in my back garden that supplies my hifi with a totally clean ac supply ;-)

Look at the size of that thing!
"Okie Dokie, you wanna start something then? ok with me!"
See, it's dicks like you that ruin a perfectly good forum. If you want fights, go somewhere else. All that I'm doing is offering things from a point of view that no one else is looking from so that we can make this discussion more objective. And you go and turn it into some fight instead of a debate. Go frag yourself, you bandersnatch!

For your edification, the Northwood IS still a P4 core and WILL be labeled a P4. Just as the Katamai and Coppermine were BOTH labelled as P3s. Get your head out of your hiney and pay attention.

"Another thing is, your argument seems to have a lot of "i think"'s in it"
It doesn't have one single "I think" in it ANYWHERE. What were YOU reading? Idiot. Maybe you should THINK more yourself before you post.

"are you certain about what you're arguing? Because if you aren't then don't add your bit!"
Am I certain about the future? Oh, of course. Why I have my magical crystal ball right here and I can see everything perfectly clear, just as you all can with your mystical-magical crystal balls.

Bloody flircking schiznit!

What the hell kind of a stupid moron are you? Since none of here bloody work for Intel, AMD, Rambus, etc. five years from now, how the bloody hell would ANY of us know EXACTLY what will and won't happen?

All we can do is make educated guesses based on what information we have and how similar events have transpired in the past. There are NO guarantees when talking about the FUTURE.


"This forum's for people who know what they're talking about"
Then what are YOU doing here? You've already proven you're slower than Alaskan jam.

I, on the other hand, just so happen to be a trained PC technician AND software engineer who works on scientific applications and has examined both Intel and AMD products, as well as the Alpha chip, for use with our software. And will shortly be working on putting SSE2 into our next products.

I'll admit, I've only put together around 10 systems in my lifetime, and done hardware debugging/upgrading on only about 30 systems. But I KNOW what I talk about.

Do you?

As sure as copper burns green, it doesn't sound like it.

"for me anyway, i have had a look around and here's the prices i found at my local stores (i'm in Australia):"
"So there, i am right about the price... For me anyway."

Too bad for you that your stores are ripping you off so badly. Go to Compare the prices of PC800 RDRAM to PC2100 DDR SDRAM. They aren't very different. If you happen to go to stores that rip you off so badly, that's not my fault or problem.

And if you happen to be such a manipulated minority voice forced into using technology because of stores setting outlandish prices, then you have no room for debate here because your views do NOT represent the ACTUAL state of affairs.

Yes, there is a difference between DDR SDRAM and RDRAM prices, but it is small. And RDRAM IS dropping in price continually. Since we are looking at FUTURE trends, we cannot base our assumptions ENTIRELY on how things are TODAY.

Meanwhile DDR SDRAM has been used FAR longer than RDRAM. Or have you forgotten that video cards have been using it for years now? DDR is reaching it's maximum potential for the PC. This is why memory companies are already researching quad-rate SDRAM. Meanwhile RDRAM still has a LOT of room to grow.

Rambus sucks. Their business practices are very shady. But the RDRAM memory itself isn't.

Sure, in a P3 RDRAM looks like crap. Why? The P3 just wasn't designed for high memory bandwidth. DDR SDRAM doesn't look much better though. Why does it perform better? Not because of it's bandwidth. It's because of it's faster timing compared to single-rate SDRAM. And even then, it still sucks compared to what it should be.

We are talking about a memory which should move data TWICE as fast as SDRAM. Yet it's performance is on average only about 10% faster. Sometimes, it's not ANY faster. So why does it suck so badly to what it SHOULD be? Because the neither the P3 nor the Athlon were designed for high memory bandwidth.

Have we seen a high memory bandwidth system that has used both DDR SDRAM and RDRAM?


So how ANYONE can accurately compare the two, including myself, is pure GUESSWORK based on what information we do have about their theoretical capabilities.

And yes, people will continue to use SDRAM. It's cheap. People like cheap. If they didn't, Celerons wouldn't be so commonly used by OEMs.

Is SDRAM better than DDR SDRAM or RDRAM?

Hell no!

But it's cheap. So it'll last too. I never said that it wouldn't. Hell, I still have systems using EDO SIMMS at home.

"I think that SSE2 may catch on, perhaps... I hadn't heard about AMD taking hold of it"

NOW WHO IS THE ONE WHO SOUNDS LIKE "you've read a couple of reviews of the P4 or read Intel's site about SSE2 and gone crazy thinkin you know everything about it"?
Face it, you don't know squat about anything that you are talking about. Read up. Learn. And come back to talk when you actually KNOW things instead of make them up. Ignoramus!

"i didn't mean literally, but more... Socially... No one is going to buy it..."
What world do you live in? Maybe the socially conscious few will boycott it, but the MAJORITY of people won't give a flying grey hoot. Why? Because ALL that they care about is whatever the salesman tells them. After that, there are only two minorities: Those who buy things for socio-ethical reasons, and those who buy things for performance reasons (whether it be the best performance for their price, or just plain performance without concern for price.)

Face it, TheAudiophile: You don't have a bloody clue about what you talk about. You act like you know everything. In reality, your guesses are based on even less knowledge than imaginable.

Meanwhile, I remain educated on a variety of things. I make no guarantee that my predictions on the future are accurate. But it's pretty clear that compared to yours, ANYONE'S predictions on the future are more accurate than yours!

Grow up. Read. Imbibe. Learn. Cogitate. And THEN come back here and give a post with even a semblance of intelligence behind it.

Or, if you would like to stop judging other people and hold an OPEN forum WITHOUT your bias, then post here WITHOUT wrongly flaming people just because they don't happen to agree with you.

A FORUM is about open discussions between people who may not agree on everything, but can hold an INTELLECTUAL DEBATE about the topics and LEARN from one another.

Look the word up in a dictionary if you don't believe me.

And either way, GROW UP!

-Despite all my <font color=red>rage</font color=red>, I'm still just a <font color=orange>rat</font color=orange> in a <font color=white>cage</font color=white>.
Don't think i am not going to responde to your extremely hypocritical piece of long-winded flaming... I will responde, right now i need to sleep because it's 1 in the morning, but i will get back to this because with the [-peep-] you've spewed, you just deserve to be pointed out and publicly humiliated.

Most of your insults are repetitive and sound like something out of a monty python movie.

I will get back to this, i have even printed it out so i can make sure i get this stuff right, just wait...

god dammit am i mad

<b><font color=blue>Note to self: Never buy <i>anything</i> without checking with <font color=red>Tom</font color=red> first...