Discussion Trying to install new video card PLease help


Jul 17, 2010
Hello, I am in desperate need of some help a few days ago my mom bought a new printer and I installed it on to our PC The IdeaCentre 710. Then all of a sudden one day everything was completely haywire the Firefox browser and a few apps just stop working altogether and has lost the ability to be selected all I kept getting was you have lost your privilege to use or your permissions aren't high enough something on those lines. Anyway about a brand-new video card along with the monitor and I was going to uninstall the drivers for the new Nvidia GeForce 730 GT to install this new graphics card which is a MSi GeForce 1050 Ti. I have to figure out a way to bring everything back so yesterday I decided to try to restore the computer back to its former self by using system restore and it was too certain extent so I uninstalled the drivers with the new card in and fully update the card (note: this card does not have anything whatsoever No MSi CD installing the drivers nothing.). However, that didn't go as planned you see when I download the driver from the Nvidia GeForce website and tried to use it well I'll put the picture down here so you can see what I mean. And now I'm in quite a dilemma what to do next may be you guys can tell me what to do next anyway here are the specs for the PC:

IdeaCentre 710

CPU: Intel Core i5 6400 @ 2.70GHz

GPU: MSi GeForce 1050 Ti


  1. what version of windows are you using?
  2. if windows 10, I would download DDU: https://www.wagnardsoft.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=1788#p4288
2a save DDU on desktop, reboot in safe mode (press shift while clicking restart)
3 run DDU remove drivers reboot
4. run installer again

It's Windows 10 64bit however, I do have some news. I took it to geek squad and they tried to install it didn't work. So they did a workaround and the driver was been installed, however, it stopped at 99% the guy thinks that the registry has been corrupted because of the installation which I think is BS. Windows 10 32 or 64bit is not good at all I think that the corrupted of registry happened over time, not because of the driver. However, he was able to get rid of the Driver for Nvidia 730 GT and the PhysX driver via this workaround.
I'd recommend downloading https://www.malwarebytes.com and using that to scan for any viruses. The fact that you are getting permission errors could be a program trying to take control of your PC. Make sure to activate the 14 day free trial too.
But I already used system restore to bring the system back you really think I should use this software? Oh and one last thing, that so call workaround disable (sort of) the card which means I can't play my games. Also I have to bring the PC back to them today.
It won't hurt to do a virus scan. By system restore, do you mean fully wiping the system and doing a new install of Windows? Or just rolling it back to a previous date?
I mean rolling it back to a previous date when it was working. Microsoft's system restore has been with us since Windows ME, Guess you never use the program before.
Yeah I know of rolling back Windows. But the thing is, that was when before you changed the hardware (I assume). You should wipe the hard drive and reinstall Windows, then only install the drivers of the current hardware you have got - the GTX 1050 Ti. Don't bother with the GT 730 for the moment.
Should you back everything up Frist before you do that? Oh and more thing I forgot to say, this PC is not mine it's my parents that's why I can wipe anything yet.
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When you reset Windows, it wipes everthing. So if there are any pictures, word documents, game save data, or anything you want to keep, put them on a USB stick or something. But especially for save datas, you need to remember what folder they came from, and put them into the same folder again.
When you reset Windows, it wipes everthing. So if there are any pictures, word documents, game save data, or anything you want to keep, put them on a USB stick or something. But especially for save datas, you need to remember what folder they came from, and put them into the same folder again.
Well, here's an update we left the PC back at geek squad however, I'd wished the guy that helped us would've said that we could leave it here for 2-3 days to check to see if the registry had been corrupt. They were also going to wipe it windows clean if they can't fix it.
Well, I got it back Sunday and everything looks good. nothing had to be backed up and the Driver was installed without problems. However, Geforce experience was not installed maybe that what caused the problem in the first place. I'll keep all the advice that was on this thread and stand by if the driver becomes a problem again in the future.