[SOLVED] Ultrawide Gaming ?


Sep 27, 2013
Hi Guys
I am currently building a system to game on my ultrawide 2560x1080 monitor. I have currently configured the build to include an i7 9700k and a 2070 super however i was wondering if this was overkill for the resolution and whether i could get away with an i5 9600k and 2060 super. I am aiming for 60FPS minimum on highest detail settings for my resolution. Thankyou .
2060 can run most games on ultra but some very unoptimized or gpu demanding games like Red Dead Redemption 2 or Kingdom come: deliverence wil not give you 60 fps (rdr2 35 fps and kcd 40 fps)
my recomendation is definetly RX 5700XT whitch will give you WAY better fps for 400$ and also ryzen 3800x for 370$ or 3700x for arround 330$
i think RX 5700XT is definitely better option than 2060, and in 2-3 years even combarable to 2070 due to a nvidia gpu bad aging
but about cpu wouldnt recommend i5 9600k for a long term cpu but it is definitely enough for current gaming but again ryzen is better option.
if you want to save a bit of money go for 3700x there is not a bit difference compared to 3800x.
also i5 9600k cant even compare.


Nov 27, 2018
2060 can run most games on ultra but some very unoptimized or gpu demanding games like Red Dead Redemption 2 or Kingdom come: deliverence wil not give you 60 fps (rdr2 35 fps and kcd 40 fps)
my recomendation is definetly RX 5700XT whitch will give you WAY better fps for 400$ and also ryzen 3800x for 370$ or 3700x for arround 330$
i think RX 5700XT is definitely better option than 2060, and in 2-3 years even combarable to 2070 due to a nvidia gpu bad aging
but about cpu wouldnt recommend i5 9600k for a long term cpu but it is definitely enough for current gaming but again ryzen is better option.
if you want to save a bit of money go for 3700x there is not a bit difference compared to 3800x.
also i5 9600k cant even compare.