Update on 4890...

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Nov 19, 2007

THERE HAVE BEEN a lot of rumours flying around about the upcoming ATI 4890 board, and few if any of them are true. The fevered speculation of a few has gotten almost to the point of silly, so lets set the record straight.

The 4890 is not a new ASIC, it may or may not be a new stepping of the R770, but it is not a new part. It is not 40nm either. On top of that, there is no R790 in the works at all. The new board is called the 4890, and it is simply a much higher clocked 4870.

It will be at least 20 per cent faster than the 4870, a real kick in the pants, but will take a bit more power. The added power will require five-phase voltage regulation, so there will be a new board layout, quite likely lining up with a new downcosted 4870 board as well.

End result, faster card. No new chip, no more shaders, nothing huge, just better. Anyone saying anything else is full of it.
Whys that? Just a refresh? 40nm has been a leaky mess from what we know, so any new arch will be delayed as well... so in a slow economy, with the competition reeling somewhat, the next node delayed due to complications, makes a bit of sense, and really, we shouldnt expect a whole new arch, or additions either, tho, it could still happen


Sep 29, 2007
funny how this really isn't as dis regarded as Nvidia was when they went from 8 series to 9 with the same GPU:)

100 mhz is def not 20%, and more SPs...so i dunno where they get those numbers:p

Set release date yet?

8800 series released Oct 06?, G200 series released May 08? Top end? Anyways, it was more than a year and a half, and the 4xxx series hasnt been a year yet, so maybe if we wait another 8 months, and all ATI does is do this 4890, then yes, itll be regarded the same, trust me


Sep 29, 2007

Haven't seen that yet, I've seen 100 mhz shows 13%, 75 mhz memory 8% + 160 SPs last I checked.

Though it's oc potential should be interesting and it's power draw will hopefully be less than the rest, though I doubt it seeing as its the same card, with a higher OC + extra Sps.

This is starting to look like the 260 GTX SP 216 to 240 SP, and additional mhz.


Nov 16, 2007
The clock speeds on the 4870 for core and memory are already extremely high, the ASUS DK TOP 4870 is 815mhz...stock, not to mention the 4ghz+ GDDR5. So its very possible to squeeze even more out, maybe even touch 1ghz which would be absolute madness.
The original rumor of this card came way back at the 4xxx series launch, or really just before. Supposedly, the 4870 was to have a 1Ghz core, but due to thermals etc, ATI couldnt do it. Now however, due to better revs and supposedly a better TSMC process, this is possible. So yes, a 1Ghz core clock would give 20+% and beat the 285


This isn't the old rv770. It's an improved rv770. The rv770 is almost a year old now - the 4890 will be a new stepping of it.

You know how old B3 stepping Q6600's could barely overclock past 3ghz while the G0 stepping's could go as high as 3.6?

The 4890 will OC to 1 ghz. It probably wont be released at 1 ghz stock, but it will OC that high. Performance wise it will be on a par with a 285gtx, costing 33% less at least.



Mar 13, 2009
Hmmm....the price of a 4890???......
If its around $300 and competes with the GTX 280 (or 285) then I would buy it. (thats just a hypothetical situation though, and besides im just waiting until the DX11 cards come out)

I have a question, what happens to the performance when they make the 4890X2?




Nintendo Wii - ATI gpu
x-box 360 - ATI gpu
PS3 - Nvidia gpu
PS4 - Intel gpu

Who is lacking STRONG partners again? :D



It's unlikely that we will see a 4890X2, if so it will be 2-3 months after the 4890 is released.

To be honest, I am scratching my head at the 4890. Regardless of what others here say, it will be the fastest single chip gpu on the market, and it will cost an awful lot less than a gtx285.

However, the real updates are coming with the 5x series - they were scheduled for June/July this year but the transition to 40nm has proven to be difficult and not up to the usual standard. Nvidia were also planning 40nm chips and have had to suffer the same hold-up.

I guess ATI have figured that it's gonna be 6 months before the real upgrades are ready, and they want to get the top spot back. If they do release a 4890X2 then it's going to be at least another year before Nvidia get top spot back, with their own dual-cpu solution.


Nov 16, 2007

You just listed two products that are equipped with ATI hardware, and two that arent.

Considering none of them are ATI video card distributors, that was pointless. That would be Sapphire, PowerColor, ASUS, VisionTek.....



You didn't say that, you said ATI needed strong partners.


Nov 16, 2007

Considering the 4870 already touches 90c easily with a stock speed reference design, that would be one helluva better process to lower the thermals down enough to add another 200mhz to the stock reference chip clock. I dont see them keeping the thermals under control, unless they ship them all standard with a really good cooler, and even then there is the PCB heat.



Or a decent cooler perhaps.