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In article <OY2dnXP8mZfLvPvfRVnyiw@pipex.net>, Symbol <jb70@talk21.com> wrote:
>"David Alex Lamb" <dalamb@qucis.queensu.ca> wrote in message
>> The first few Google references I found to Imhotep referred to him as an
>> "architect".
>> For whatever that's worth.
>The first link title is "Egypt: Imhotep, Doctor, Architect, High Priest,
>Scribe and Vizier."
Sorry - don't know how I could have missed that.
"Yo' ideas need to be thinked befo' they are say'd" - Ian Lamb, age 3.5
http://www.cs.queensu.ca/~dalamb/ qucis->cs to reply (it's a long story...)
In article <OY2dnXP8mZfLvPvfRVnyiw@pipex.net>, Symbol <jb70@talk21.com> wrote:
>"David Alex Lamb" <dalamb@qucis.queensu.ca> wrote in message
>> The first few Google references I found to Imhotep referred to him as an
>> "architect".
>> For whatever that's worth.
>The first link title is "Egypt: Imhotep, Doctor, Architect, High Priest,
>Scribe and Vizier."
Sorry - don't know how I could have missed that.
"Yo' ideas need to be thinked befo' they are say'd" - Ian Lamb, age 3.5
http://www.cs.queensu.ca/~dalamb/ qucis->cs to reply (it's a long story...)