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On 18 Apr 2005 11:53:28 -0700, "Justisaur" <> scribed
into the ether:
>~consul wrote:
>> ((about Jessica Fletcher))
>> Malachias Invictus wrote:
>> > You guys *do* realize how silly this argument has become, right?
>First of
>> > all, she would be a combination of Dedicated Hero and Smart Hero
>> > Modern). Secondly, play GURPS already; D&D was not designed for
>this level
>> > of detail when it comes to NPC classes.
>> But this is so much more interesting to me than say figuring out the
>> of Darth Vader.

>Very true. But on that subject, he's obviously evil, but which one? I
>think I'd have to go with neutral.
Lawful. Control of the Force requires a not inconsiderably amount of
personal discipline, and he does have fairly clear cut rules of behavior.
It's also the perfect alignment flop from the Chaotic Good that early
Anakin represents, with his need to be breaking the rules however he sees
On a completely unrelated note, this gives me the perfect excuse to bring
out something that got posted in another NG many many (many many) moons
ago...I only wish I could take credit.
So James Earl Jones is Vassar College's Commencement speaker for this
year. Oddly, this event coincides with the release of the much awaited
"Phantom Menace" and the unexpected popularity of Baz Luhrmann's
"Sunscreen Song" (which, if you have had your head under a rock, is a
spoken graduation address set to music that is constantly playing on many
radio stations).
And so, I can only wonder what would Mr. Jones' address
be like?...
Everybody's Free (To Embrace The Dark Side)
Ladies and Gentlemen of the Vassar College class of '99...embrace the
Dark Side. If I could offer you only one tip for the future, The Dark
Side would be it. The long-term benefits of The Dark Side have been
proved by the Dark Lords of The Sith, whereas the rest of my advice has
no basis more reliable than my own meandering cruelty and conquests.
I will dispense this advice now...
Enjoy the power and beauty of your planet. Oh, nevermind, you willnever
understand the power and the beauty of your planet until after the Empire
has destroyed it in a futile attempt to find the Rebel Base. But trust
me, in twenty years, you will look back at photos of your home and
recall, in away you can't grasp now, how blissfully ignorant you were,
and how fabulous your planet really looked before it was a pile of
burning space rubble. Your planet is not as dull as you imagine.
Don't worry about the Rebellion - or worry, but know that worrying is as
effective as trying to make the Kessel run in a landspeeder. The real
troubles in your life are apt to be things that never crossed your
twisted mind. The kind that fire a direct hit into your reactor core at 4
PM on some idle Tuesday.
Do in one Death Star officer every day.
Don't disobey the Emperor's orders; don't put up with people who disobey
Don't waste your time on Stormtroopers. They can't hit the broad side of
a barn.
The battle is long and in the end, it's only with yourself. And your
idiot son.
Remember the prophecies of the Emperor; ignore the whinings of your
bratty upstart farmboy of a son. If you succeed in doing this, tell me
Keep your old light saber, but change your costume slightly with every
Don't feel guilty if you have no misgivings about joining the Dark Side.
The most interesting people I know didn't have any respect at 22 for
their victim's lives. Some of the most interesting 40-year olds I know
still don't.
Have plenty of minions.
Be kind to your right hand, you'll miss it when it's gone.
Maybe you'll marry, maybe you won't. Maybe your son will join you, maybe
he won't. Maybe you'll convince your daughter to become a dark Jedi and
assist you in your campaign of hatred and destruction; maybe she'll
become a rebel leader and marry a scruffy-looking nerf herder.
Whatever you do, don't congratulate yourself too much, or berate yourself
either. Your destiny is half chance. So is everybody else's.
Enjoy the Force. Exploit it every way you can. Don't be afraid of it or
what other people think of your "sorcerer's ways." The ability to
destroy a planet is insignificant next to its power.
Kill. Even if you have no one to kill but a meaningless extra.
Listen to what the Emperor has forseen, even if you don't follow his
Do not take your mask off, it will only make you feel ugly. And
Get to know your parents. You'll never know when they'll turn out to be
your arch enemies.
Be nice to your siblings. They are your best link to your Jedi lineage
and the ones most likely to become Jedi in the future.
Understand that lackeys come and go. But with a precious few, you should
keep from crushing their tracheas. Work hard to bridge the gaps in
geography and lifestyle, for as the more desperate you become, the more
you will need to send bounty hunters to do your dirty work for you.
Live on Dagobah once, but leave before you get foot rot.
Live on Tattooine once, but leave before you get heat stroke.
Travel. Preferably in your own custom TIE Fighter.
Accept certain inalienable truths: rebellions will rise, the Imperial
Senate will have to be disbanded, you too will get old. And when you do,
you'll fantasize that when you were young, rebels were easily crushed,
the Imperial Senate was subservient, and citizens respected their Emperor.
Respect your Emperor.
Don't expect your son to rule the galaxy with you. Maybe he'll give in to
his anger, maybe he'll strike you down, but you'll never know when he'll
whine pleadingly and you'll find yourself turning to the Light Side and
saving his sorry butt.
Don't strike down your old Jedi Master, or he will become more powerful
than you could possibly imagine.
Be careful whose advice you buy, but be patient with those who supply it,
or I'll crush your throat. Advice is a form of nostalgia. Dispensing it
is a way of fishing your humanity from the depths of sin, wiping it
off, putting black body armor over the ugly parts and redeeming it for
more than its worth.
But trust me on the Dark Side.