"Actually yes, it does. Commitment isn't just about not cheating with one's partner, but also requires a LOT of patience, self-control and respect; sleeping around with people previously speaks volumes about one's aptitude and character."
You're jumping to conclusions, especially ones not based on reality. There's plenty of cases where the amount of sexual partners doesn't correlate to commitment or character. Some of us are comfortable enough with our bodies to use it as we see fit. I can be plenty committed to someone without having to abstain from sex with them. It's simply an intimate activity, and a fun one at that. I don't view it much different from most playful activities, except that it requires more care. Just because I want to have sex with someone doesn't mean I have no respect, for my partner or for myself. I don't know where that even comes from, but it's a distorted view for certain. I appreciate and respect someone more once I learn how to please them! I'm looking to make them happy too; sex is a two-way street, of course.
"I've had plenty of sexual partners, but I was still loyal and loving to each of them, and no one got hurt from anything relating to sex."
lol how true is this "love" of yours if you share the most intimate act a human being can perform, with others? How special is this so called "love".
You're confusing lust with love. You can have both, and they can be independent of one another. Just because someone makes me lust, does not mean I do not love them. Love is when someone else's happiness is also connected to your own. And I want to make my partner happy, and sex is a great method for doing such, regardless if I've done it to others in the past. And my love is plenty special, don't pretend like you have some kind of superior view of something you have no insight into; I'm extremely loyal, caring, and compassionate to my current partner. And I still care for those I've split apart from; we're still good friends, but we decided we weren't compatible for other reasons. But we still cherish what we've shared, including our intimacy. Don't play off your ignorance as superiority, please.
Despite the 'education', the aforementioned issues still exist; solution is abstinence.
You can certainly find correlations between education and sexual problems. The greatest rate of abortions, teen pregnancy and the like occur in the bible belt; the place that educates the least on sex and encourages abstinence the most. Congratulations, religions demonization of sex has increased the problem!
If you're horny... then just masturbate, but sleeping around is definitely not what people should be doing — at least not those who have an ounce of self-respect.
Masturbation isn't abstinence. You can still engage in sex without "sleeping around"; you can, as most sane people do, get a consistent partner to engage with, i.e. a girl or boy friend. I don't know how not having sex somehow makes you have self-respect. I plenty respect myself, and my penis, to not pretend like I don't have a sexual instinct or urges. And I plenty respect my woman to please her when she desires it!