
Apr 1, 2004
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.help_and_support (More info?)

Hi i just installed windows 64 bit and i have installend nothing else yet and
i was trying to install drivers for my Radeon 9800 SE and when i do it
completes the process of installing tells me to restart and nothing happens
its like they didnt install could please help me with this problem and i also
tried to install direct c 9.0c and that didnt work either


Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.help_and_support (More info?)

Hi try going to windows update click on start and windows update make sure
you get all the updates and also under driver updates check there for any
updates and then go to ati's site


and download the windows 64 bit drivers

and on the windows update site you should be able to download directx 9.0c

then after everything is updated and installed restart the computer and

Reply back and let me know how it goes. Don't forget to select yes if this
was helpful on my post. I always like helping out people with there problems.

"Mike" wrote:

> Hi i just installed windows 64 bit and i have installend nothing else yet and
> i was trying to install drivers for my Radeon 9800 SE and when i do it
> completes the process of installing tells me to restart and nothing happens
> its like they didnt install could please help me with this problem and i also
> tried to install direct c 9.0c and that didnt work either