Question What is a good GPU to pair with an Athlon 605e?


That CPU is 15 years old now and wasn't ever considered particularly powerful even during its time.

Best bet at this point is to keep stuffing some money away while hunting for a FAR newer used system, or complete build of something new. Even if you could find a used system comprised of a 4th gen Intel CPU and some middling card like a 580 or 1060 it would be a very large improvement over anything you could do to that 605e
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Another aspect to consider here is the age of the power supply in that system. The 730 doesn't require PCIe power connector. The 750ti suggested above can be hit or miss. A 960 will need one.

My consideration is that this is more likely a prebuilt PC than a custom build, but either way it should probably go hand in hand with a power supply upgrade if it is even possible.
Jul 22, 2024
Another aspect to consider here is the age of the power supply in that system. The 730 doesn't require PCIe power connector. The 750ti suggested above can be hit or miss. A 960 will need one.

My consideration is that this is more likely a prebuilt PC than a custom build, but either way it should probably go hand in hand with a power supply upgrade if it is even possible.
What about the motherboard? I read somewhere that 750ti can be incompatible with some motherboards.


What about the motherboard? I read somewhere that 750ti can be incompatible with some motherboards.

The only time I have run into a problem upgrading a graphics card to a prebuild was with Dell as they would have the motherboard BIOS locked to the cards they offered as options. I am not saying others do or do not do this, but Dell is the only make I have run into this specific issue with.
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700 series is relatively safe. Most models support both BIOS and UEFI. Newer cards from the 900 series may not support non-UEFI systems. Sometimes they will only work once an OS is loaded, so no picture in the BIOS.

Similarly RX 400 and 500 models from AMD are pretty safe, but anything from the RX 5000 and up series requires UEFI.