Question What is causing the problem?


Sep 30, 2017
So here is the deal. I had a bios problem while downgrading bios and my computer would boot but no POST signal or image on monitor. Got my bios chip reprogrammed with eeprom. Guys who did it tested it and it worked. They tested my CPU, MB, RAM and they put their graphics and psu and it did boot. I got home and put everything together and again my pc will not boot at all. No post signal, tried numerous monitors, none is working for my pc. Afterwards, I put my gpu into another computer and it worked perfectly fine. So by eliminating, could it be that my psu is faulty? I tried even the hdd in another pc it worked.
Asus p8h61/usb3
Intel core i5 2500k
Gainward gtx 550 ti 1gb
8gb kingston ram
Psu is lc6650gp3 v2.3 650w
Lol dumb question and dumb solution but did you try clearing the bios with all you components set in the system everything plugeed in setup. Then posting clean with just your stuff the bios you installed could have been pre fabed for different components and trying to over power - under power your components
I don't understand you quite well. But all those components were working with my first bios version which is the third to come out and the latest one also. The guys at the repairing shop installed the previous to the last one.
I don't have VGA port on my MB and my monitors only support VGA. I personally can't figure out what is causing the problem since the guy at the repair shop started it normally with his graphics and psu. Mine parts were mobo, cpu and ram. Should I clear CMOS?
On your mobo, in the front panel header, are pins for applying a speaker. "A" speaker, not the system speakers. If your board won't post, it will beep in code to point to a problem. 1 beep power prob, 2 beeps memory prob, you get it. might help get you in a direction.
Anyone that can help me? So summary: my computer turnts on, fans start to spin, chassis fan, cpu fan, gpu fan, psu fan. Motherboard light lights green. No image nor Post sound and monitor is exaxtly the same as it is when the pc is off. And when I want to shut down pc from that state I need to hold power button long to shut it down or shut down from the psu
I had those cases myself, although decades ago.
in any case, it wouldn't harm disconnecting everything but power switch and try to boot, in case one of the connectors is shortening somewhere. In the end it could even be the power switch being stuck / short circuited (recheck connection?)
Anyone that can help me? So summary: my computer turnts on, fans start to spin, chassis fan, cpu fan, gpu fan, psu fan. Motherboard light lights green. No image nor Post sound and monitor is exaxtly the same as it is when the pc is off. And when I want to shut down pc from that state I need to hold power button long to shut it down or shut down from the psu

Could be one of two things from what I'm seeing.

1) Something underneath your motherboard is causing it to short out, and that does happen, I have seen it personally.

2) Chances are good that your PSU is not supplying enough power to your system, and a generic knock off like an LC Power unit would cause that to happen. You should try replacing it with something much better.
Hey guys, thank you all for replying, really! Once again, I did breadboarding, only mobo, cpu, gpu and psu. It turns out to be the same, no post no image. I actually have the 650w LC power psu and it was working from until 2011 with the same exact build. I sincerely don't know what I wanted to get with this bios update but here we are. 90% thinking about the psu, would try different one later, I will update it further on