[SOLVED] What to do if download speed is great but websites load slowly?


Oct 19, 2017
For the last month or so my browsing speed started to get really bad. Sometimes it's completely fine but about 70% of the time websites take 7-10 seconds to load, and sometimes chrome even fails to load them for the first time. The problem is present on a computer with a wired connection, on a computer with wifi connection, and even on my phone. From time to time one messenger message takes 10 secs to deliver. If I open a Youtube video the loading circle spins for again about 10 seconds but after that when the video starts it buffers quickly. My download/upload speeds are not bad, it's just that every time I want to access something it takes a long time. Restarting the router seems to temporarily fix the problem for half an hour or so. Is there a setting in the router configuration that can fix this problem? I've been using this router for 4 years and until now, everything was fine with the same devices connected to it. Maybe I have to reset something?
Thanks in advance,

malware scan your system?
Although I couldn't find any viruses on my computer, after reinstalling Windows the browsing speed got normal again on all devices in the house. Whether it was a virus or just some faulty settings the problem was on my PC. Resetting the router, resetting network settings in Windows, or changing and flushing the DNS didn't make a difference.