I am attempting to help my partners in upgrading their PCs for more optimal gaming (ideally upgrading both to the same ability) but I am not terribly well versed in custom PC building still, some opinions would be greatly appreciated!
They currently have an HP Pavillion (specs linked) which is certainly not great, but unfortunately we are on quite a tight budget as to how it can be upgraded.
One of the desktops has had its PSU replaced with a Corsair cx450 and from all I have read this seems adequate for what we are going for (if that is the case, the other PC would be upgraded with the same PSU). Would something like the GTX 660 work for the GPU?
I'm aware we aren't going to be able to get to Witcher 3 on Ultra but the ability to play most modern games on about medium to high is the goal. I feel if we can get Witcher 3 to Medium with the post processing effects on then there won't be much trouble running anything else that we wish to play.
For a little bit of extra information, the PC would ideally be able to run Dark Souls 3 with decent fps (minimum 30, ideally 60) at around medium, Outward on higher settings, and have some level of future proofing so as most new games being released can hit around 60fps on at least low.
Any suggestions on where to upgrade from here would be appreciated (GPU primarily, but if there is any other specific weak point in the PC that needs to be addressed, that would be appreciated), apologies if this post was a little rambly.
Thanks in advance.
- Aldrnari
I am attempting to help my partners in upgrading their PCs for more optimal gaming (ideally upgrading both to the same ability) but I am not terribly well versed in custom PC building still, some opinions would be greatly appreciated!
They currently have an HP Pavillion (specs linked) which is certainly not great, but unfortunately we are on quite a tight budget as to how it can be upgraded.
One of the desktops has had its PSU replaced with a Corsair cx450 and from all I have read this seems adequate for what we are going for (if that is the case, the other PC would be upgraded with the same PSU). Would something like the GTX 660 work for the GPU?
I'm aware we aren't going to be able to get to Witcher 3 on Ultra but the ability to play most modern games on about medium to high is the goal. I feel if we can get Witcher 3 to Medium with the post processing effects on then there won't be much trouble running anything else that we wish to play.
For a little bit of extra information, the PC would ideally be able to run Dark Souls 3 with decent fps (minimum 30, ideally 60) at around medium, Outward on higher settings, and have some level of future proofing so as most new games being released can hit around 60fps on at least low.
Any suggestions on where to upgrade from here would be appreciated (GPU primarily, but if there is any other specific weak point in the PC that needs to be addressed, that would be appreciated), apologies if this post was a little rambly.
Thanks in advance.
- Aldrnari
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