The Citadel DLC is the best DLC in the history of DLC! :lol: No other game franchise has ever done anything like it and I enjoyed every minute of it. Grunt drunk in the shower still gives me the giggles.
I enjoyed it a lot too. The only problem is, if you choose a class that makes clone Shepard strong, the boss fight at the end is nearly unplayable on the higher difficulty modes, esp Insane. He tends to be able to one shot kill you a lot.
The Citadel get together itself is a nice send off and all, it's just that it doesn't really make up for the game never really giving you resolve with certain choices you made in the prior two titles. It's like a one size fits all bandaid attempt to fix the very loose character tie-ins.
When you go to the extent of saying "No other game franchise has ever done anything like it"... keep in mind it only exists in the first place because of the barrage of complaints about the botched ending, and it doesn't entirely give back what that took away.
This is why I don't see it as Bioware going above and beyond what others have done, because they should have written the ending better in the first place, and certainly more cohesively. Even with Citadel and Extended Cut, there are still a lot of huge holes.
ME was a sophisticated enough series to deserve your choices throughout playing out differently in 3 distinct ways over an entire end mission, vs just 3 slightly changed color coded cutscenes. I only hope they've learned by now and will redeem themselves with what follows.