Who wants a free 7900gt?

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okay, first of all, Pete, you are an incredible person. this has got to be one of the coolest things i've ever seen here on THG, i hope someone benefits from the card you're so generously giving away.

i don't want to enter the runnings, as i couldn't accept the 7900 with my AGP board :lol: , but i did want to post another incredibly shitty computer for you guys to laugh at 😀 oh, and don't worry, i laugh at it too :lol:

anyway, i built this computer from the refuse of my friends. i got into computers around age 10, and wanted to build, but still haven't had enough money (i'm 16 now). i showed my friends the ropes, and they built, which really sucked, because they had rigs and i, the person that really cared, didn't.

well, they moved on to bigger and better things, and they were kind enough to give me their recycled parts. so, now i've got a hand-me-down computer, and i love it to pieces, but it really does suck. picture time!

here's the beaut

nice wiring, huh?

proof that all my components suck

my case didn't have a hdd cage, so i made one from an old case, a pci fan, and... paper 😀

here are my amazing 8.1 speakers [/bs], courtesy of my tape adapter :lol:

my beautiful monitor and equally crappy printer

here are some of the specs (Socket A Sempron @ 1.7 Ghz, 768 megs RAM, Radeon 9550):

not vista, btw. just a skin :wink:

as much as i'd like the card, there have got to be other, more deserving people out there. i'd prefer that one of them had it... i wouldn't be able to use it. i don't want it, i just wanted to show off my shitty rig. its kinda comforting to see that other people have shitty rigs, TOO! i'm not the only one! 😛

props to Pete.
why thank you :) thats all i can ask for. it works. and i love it to pieces! see, the thing is, this computer doesn't really fail me all that much... i mean i do game and its not the greatest thing ever... but what i'm saying is that when i actually do get a job and afford a build, i'll probably have a HEART ATTACK. the difference will be amazing.

i'm glad you got a laugh out of my computer, i really think its the funniest thing ever. yeah, the speaker setup works... but not so well. damn tape adapter makes my music and stuff sound worse. but its good enough for me.

well, i hereby challenge someone to post pics of a funnier rig 😀 [/i]
okay here are more pics, including the card shot and the all important tribute to the game-anitarien PETEvsDRM.

Okay here is the best shots i could get using the eye scorching light from my DS this faithful DS Lite was the last REAL present given to either of us.


Sorry my tributes didnt come out that great, but pen and paper was not going to happen, mainly because its too dark for my camera :cry:

Here is my camera situation. sorta

Here are the games that I hope to one day enjoy 😀



and here are the games that I do "enjoy"



oh and
now its 23 o clock here ,and I would play FEAR or OBLIVION , i haven't had a chance to play Oblivion ,ever , its sucks i tell you 🙁 ,those screenshots make me crazy , i wanna play :) , 1 year ago i was in the top CS player in the town now i'm sitting here helplessly watching someone's bench scores or their screenshots 🙁 , pls somehow help me GOD :roll: , i have nothin' to do 8O !!
Pete--thanks for doing this. Even if I don't get a serious graphics update, I think someone who deserves it will. I'll be eying the new case (APlus 188AF, $30), motherboard (ASRock P4VM890, $49), power supply (AMS Mercury 460-watt EPS12V, $56), and thermal greese (Arctic Silver 5, $6) until the morning, however.

Well, good luck to all other "competitors"! I hope one of us win (or that'd be very, very odd 😛 ).
Well, i'll give it a shot.

I have a 2 1/2 year old p4 3ghz
2gb ram
pci-e 6600 gtoc. 128 mb

Been wanting to upgrade but no way to do it.
I've been a part times janitor for almost 4 years now.
earning 200 a week lately.
I'm in US on the East Coast.
As for children. I have a 12 year old daughter that
I haven't seen in 5 years. Due to distance and $$$, she lives in the West Coast.
All I would need is a nice gpu like this and a cheappo psu to power it.
But I think it is easier to get a cheap psu than a gpu.

Thanks in advance and good luck to all and congrats to the winner.
PETEvsDRM , i really hope you consider sending to africa 😀 as i said i can cover the shiping cost ... goodluck to everybody and specialy to me :lol:
Pete, this is a great idea and I commend you.

I don't ever really post here, just search for info in the forums, but reading this made me want to post. I am not entering the pool here, my computer is a laptop. I just want to say I agree with Duncan, please make sure you look at all the facts for who you give this to. In my opinion, if the recipient can afford to go out and get a MB, power supply and/or other parts to accomodate this video card when they "win", it seems that they are able to get money together to get upgrades without help. My opinion would direct me to concentrate on the folks who really can not afford the card, but have systems that can handle it.
i agree fully... those people who were like, "gimme the card to go with my other new components..!", thats not who i think this card should go to. they're just squatting. i think that there should be a jury or something to help Pete, because there are a ton of pages already and a whole bunch of possible recipients.

i'm thinkin this jury should conveign via PM or something else private, and searches should be done on candidates to see if they have changed their tunes or anything (for example "check out my new rig!" last week, and then "i'm too poor for a GPU" this week).
Ok basically for me... the entire new set of stuff would be about $120 (inc shipping). That's money I saved up for a completely new computer. The card itself is valued at or above that.

I consider myself in need of a good update. There are plenty people with better silicon than I have here and quite a few with worse silicon. I'm not even going to mention the specs of this computer I'm currently using.

Good luck to everyone. I seriously don't think a few people have any real need for the card. In one of the submissions, I couldn't even spot a computer in the shadows.

I already posted my situation and pictures once, and do not want to spam this topic with my request, but I would like to reiterate that I cannot afford to go out and buy new components like a lot of the other people are looking at doing; nor will I be able to for the next 3 years. I work 25 hours a week in addition to being a full-time student, and I am using that to pay for tuition on my own, no parental help. In addition, I have a pci-express slot, so I can actually use the card.

Thanks again,
Lordaardvark, I can't agree with the "jury" idea. Pete is doing a good deed and it is up to him what he does with his property. No one should have any say other than Pete. I merely pointed out what I might do in the same situation, but any and all decisions should be Pete's alone.
I would like to say that people are ragging on those of us that are saying we would go out and buy an upgrade. Honestly, unless I am able to get this card, I won't be able to upgrade, because my card is AGP and my current system with my AGP card is better at gaming then a upgrade would be with onboard graphics, or at least with the motherboards I can afford which are under $50. Also the only reason I can buy the new parts is because I had a very small amount of money left over from my student loans. Between child support, gas, and buying stuff for my baby I have on the way, I have NO extra money. The last thing I bought for myself was a $10 xbox game about 3 months ago. Since then I have not had any money to do anything extra. The only thing I do is go to school, work, do homework, and game. I have no money to go out with my friends or take my son anywhere. Luckily through selling games on Ebay, me and my son can buy new games and play together. That is our biggest bonding that we can do. I hate to say it but my ex-wife has allowed my son to become lazy and he won't play sports with me anymore. But he himself is becoming a gamer and loves to get on my computer and play unreal tournament 2004. And with UT2007 coming out and his birthday coming up I would love to be able to get my parents to buy that for him, then he could play it on my system. I agree that there are others as bad off as me, from what I have read I can't see anyone particularly worse off then me. I mean at least most of these guys have their own place and don't have to live with their parents. I will say also that as soon as I graduate in four years, my entire system will be given away on here (well once I get a job with my degree). So with that, i will not say anything else, i will sit back and see what PetevsDRM decides, either way. What your doing here is great, it shows hope for gamers all over, and I honestly hope to see others pick this up and do the same. When I can upgrade I will be giving my older stuff away as there is always someone with a system that could use that part.
Hi, I'm in Peru, and my english is really bad, but not me :)

I have an AThlon XP 2400+, with a pcchips mobo, and the last year I got an FX5600ULTRA, really nice card, with this my 9 years child plays BIONICLE HEROES (borrowed from a friend) and enjoy it (of course me too), but after a month of playing I need to sell the card, and get back to my Geforce 256 (yes!!!! Geforce 256, this is before the Geforce 2 MX cards), so every time he ask me about if I will buy another card.... and every time I said "later".

Buyin an agp card is not difficult here in Peru, a decent AGP Geforce 6200 cost about $80 (the TurboCache are cheaper), an 6600 are difficult to find, and don't know the price. But AGP are passing away, so I decide not to buy an agp card, instead I buy an PCI Express mobo, an MSI K8NGM2 socket 939 with geforce 6100 integrated, to use my old memories and in my old case, but until now I can't buy the processor, will do when I get my payment later this month (oops 5 days left).

Your video card will really surpass my needs, and my child and me will really apreciate so much. I'm a frustate gamer too, my last really good game was Unreal Tournament, and plays Warcraft 3 too, so to me will be and giant leap in the gamer arena.

This is my first post, I read TomsHardware for about 4 years ago, just when the 9700PRO comes out, and the forum from a year ago (before I don't know the forumz exists). I know is easy to invent an history like mine to get your 7900 GT card, but will post pictures as soon as I get a digital camera; just read this post this morning and decide to signup an account and to reply.

Carlos Pacheco

Here are the pictures I promissed:


This is my PC, an ATHLON XP2400+, 512MB DDR, HD 80GB, and GEFORCE 256 32MB


This is me, with a closer look of my PC


This is the infamouse Geforce 256 32mb sdr, yes sdr, not ddr


He is my boy, his name is Fernando and is very happy when i told him about the possibility to get a new video card, he only wants to play Bionicle Heroes


This will be my new system, is a msi 939 socket, has integrated graphics and will buy the processor this month, and has an PCIE slot just for your video card.


Here are some specs of my current system, not the faster one, but can play UT and WC3 at lower settings.

We are crossing fingers to get your 7900gt, I hope we can be the choosen ones.

My first post here,tough i have been an avid reader for years.A very nice thing you are doing with the card.Looks like you got a tough decision?
I hope i'm not steppn out of bounds here,but i was very compelled to post for some reason.
If by some chance you were thinking of giving this card to Lordarrdvark2,whom has proven himself by being so helpfull on the forums for a couple of years(800 posts).I will gladly donate an Abit AT-8 motherboard complete with a 3700+ sandiego proc.
And no,i dont know the guy and have never met him,He definatly needs an upgrade tough.(no slammin intended lordardvark,i'm impressed with your attitude and you must love computers as a hobby to be so dedicated.
just to add, good thing you are doing this PETEvsDRM it's very noble of you, and by this you inspired others to do the same thing as you.
P.S That guy Carlos from Peru truly deserve this card.
Well, I finally got a chance to take a pic of my friend's comp that I posted about earlier.

Its a Pentium III 500MHz with 128MB RAM

He desperately needs this upgrade! With the parts I gave him he is well on his way, but he doesn't have the money to buy anything else for quite awhile. If he were to win this card, he and I would be so grateful. It would cut his costs in half, and he would finally be able to play games other than Starcraft... not that its a bad game lol. Thank you for considering my friend for this card, and if I wasn't already donating my parts to him, I would definitely follow suit and donate my parts in the same fashion as you are. btw, this is a great thing you are doing here. kudos.
When Pete picks his winner(Petes card ,Petes decision),all I want to hear is thanks and good gestures from everyone(and possibly a before and after aqua mark from the winner)or they will be verbally assulted from everyone here 😛 .



see sig :twisted:
Well first off I don't really have a story and I defiantly think that there is better choices than me, but I thought I would try anyways.
Well first off I bought my computer back in 2004 and it worked great.
After about a year it stopped meeting my needs so I got a nvidia 6200 256mb and it worked good for playing delta force but that was about it.
About 6 months ago I started to build my first computer buying piece by piece. I finaly got every thing to get it running about a 3 months ago which I was very excited about. x2 4200+ 1gig of ram 40gb HD. However I didn't expect the on board graphics to be that horrible so it has been sitting on the ground collecting dust.

Here are some pics


Oh yeah don't diss the barbie speakers I got em for free.

And here is my new build

No the proc is a 4200+ x2