First off, the pay it forward idea is great. I would love to advocate that idea and I think everyone would. Also I don’t think anyone should be restricted because of the primary reason as we don’t have the authority, and any attempt to do so, almost seems selfish to me, but that’s my opinion.
As for my story I feel it’s an odd one, I have read through a few and I feel mine is unique. You decide.
My computer is nearing two years old coming up, and I face certain problems most people don’t. First off I have a monitor that the movers’ labeled "custom" this is because it is from a server rack that was being decommissioned and thrown away by the Army. This monitor is perfect for everything I need except in one very important way. It has 1 working resolution. 2 others that only show 1/2 the screen even with full adjustment. My monitor which i'm not even sure what kind it is, only works properly in 1024x768 So playing any game kind of bends me over when my 6600 even over clocked struggles to do anything. With FEAR at low settings I muster an impressive average of 25-33 FPS with a minimum being 12 during that explosion at the end of the test. Doom 3 laughs at me when "it" hits the fan. My biggest problem is I spent too much money on aesthetics then. Hence the case and glowy blue lights. I have a 3.4 GHz P4 I think it’s the last one or the one before that when they started making dual cores. 1 GB of dual channel ram.
I will take my pictures with the webcam my wife bought.
Now for the sad life events. I am currently jobless; my only income I am receiving is unemployment from the great state of Arizona for a whopping 240 dollars a week, when untaxed, and 1075 from the GI bill. I am currently enrolled in college so I can get the GI bill obviously. Also my wife and I are unemployed and seem unable to get a job, even though I feel I have a great resume.
As for all the money from the army, well that got soaked up trying to find a place in Phoenix after they basically shuffled me out of the door for PTSD from being in Iraq for a good portion of my military career. Also we enjoy lots of debt and live in rent controlled apartments.
And here are the pictures of my computer. Sorry the resolution sucks I don’t have a digital camera.
This is my monitor
Side shot
The old server keyboard and touchpad not sure if pad works, keyboard sticks like hell
My shiny looking computer hides its age well I think
My case is a thermaltake Armor, the SCC Steel one not the aluminum
My monitor in 960xWhat ever (my cryptic Gir figurine in the top left
My monitor bottoms out at 800x600
Here’s what that looks like
Screenshot of Hardware Manager
Screenshot of System properties
backgrounds both prove I’m writing this I guess, of course I don’t know why anyone would lie, guess I’m a tad naive too, and a bad speller... which is why I love spell-check to death (Thanks MSWord!!!)
😀 Again sorry about the lighting no flash on the webcams.
The edit:
This comp cost about 1200 2 years ago, LOL darn computer turnover rate
On a side note if anyone knows of an opening for a junior network tech/admin/helpdesk/computer related job, I'm free.
Edit round 2! (DING)
tried to get the pics to post, hope it works this time, looks like it is for now.
Edit 3,
I do have a PCI-E motherboard, its some Asus with built in everything but Video