I am not sure as to why this question is asked about the monitor cable(s). Does the placement change the outcome of my CPU usage? Is there a specific spot as to where the monitor cable will go and will that affect my CPU?
Sorry for the seemingly obvious questions, I just do not know there was a specific place for the monitor cable(s) to go.
Edit: My monitor cable resides in the DVI port, and the other cable is inserted in the "LINE IN" color coded port.
Your CPU has not changed.
It is still the same i7.
That i7 has integrated graphics.
You also have a dedicated GPU.
The 'Intel HD Graphics 530 ' is what is contained in the i7 CPU.
If your monitor is connected to the DVI port on the motherboard...that is the graphics subsystem you are using.
If, instead, your monitor is connected to the DVI port on the GPU, then that is what you are using.
Hence, the question about where the monitor is physically connected.
It is actually quite easy to connect it to the wrong one if you're not looking. They can be very close together.