Why wont my nvidia GeForce 8400gs display native resolutionsized an won't fit on

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Aug 18, 2011
Hello,why wont my nvidia GeForce 8400gs display native resolution, 1080p is over sized and won't fit on the screen and lower res settings are too small and leave a black border..?
If MrBig's suggestion of new drivers still does not resolve your issue, try adjusting the type of ratio the screen is on. I know in my situation using a lcd tv as a computer screen i had to push the ratio button on my controller till it went from "Tv view" to "cinema view" then to "Just scan" which made everything perfect.

Apologies for not getting back to you earlier but due to the time delay in this forum feedback process I had already done this and it did indeed fix the problem! Thank you very much, your answer was concise and covered all bases! I am now rocking on full screen 1080p! Thanks again, your reply did confirm I had done what was required to get things sorted!

As well as following the above reply, I did have to follow the same kind of actions relative to my own TV, enabling 'dot by dot' as opposed to 'full screen' on my Sharp model screen.

This also confirmed that I have now done everything to fix he setup of the card and my TV, thank you also!

Things are looking great now in 'dot by dot' 1080p!

Thanks to both of you guys for your replies!

Very grateful!
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