Oct 22, 2020
I am looking for a wireless card for a desktop. I recently purchased an HP 6200 pro MT, refurbished, with some minor upgrades, 16gb ram, i7 processor, 1 TB HDD/ 500gb supplimentary HDD. Anyway, i have been having problems finding a compatible wifi card in stock anywhere. I was looking for an HP 802.11b/g/n QQ941AR, but there isnt much on the market. I was hoping someone here would be able to help find one i could buy online and send me a hyperlink. Preferably under $50, refurbished is acceptable. It doesn't need to be the same model as the one i mentioned above, as long as its compatible and functions.

As a sidequest, i am also interested in finding a half decent graphics card for the same system. Doesnt have to be anything too fancy, just for heroes of the storm, WotlkWoW, ya know, nothing too fancy, also preferably under $100, refurbished acceptable.

Any help offered, even a list of compatible models of wifi or graphics cards would be appreciated. Thank you!
https://www.google.com/search?q=gt710 good for gaming&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b-1-m

According to many other sources, most of which i trust more than i trust you, it is fine for gaming, especially since i am looking to play games that are mostly from 10 years ago, but thanks for your two cents.

If you don't trust the replies why ask? You can do a web search easily without asking for opinions which will be ignored. "Fine for gaming" is a bit of a stretch, not one knowledgeable person would suggest a 710 card unless it was the only thing available in your area that you can possibly afford. You wanted a half decent video card under $100, the 710 is not even close to what you should be looking at. GT730 GDDR5...
Any PCIe x1 or USB based adapter will work. You don't need an HP branded one.


As far as a GPU. Do you have an i7-2600 CPU? Will you be keeping the crummy stock power supply?

I do have the i7- 2600, i have considered upgrading the power supply, but for now the stock will do fine, i understand the brand doesnt need to be HP, ty for the link above, i will look at it, and i really do not want to continue using the USB wireless card, as that is what i am currently using on it.

I am currently looking at a gt710

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https://www.google.com/search?q=gt710 good for gaming&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b-1-m

According to many other sources, most of which i trust more than i trust you, it is fine for gaming, especially since i am looking to play games that are mostly from 10 years ago, but thanks for your two cents.

If you don't trust the replies why ask? You can do a web search easily without asking for opinions which will be ignored. "Fine for gaming" is a bit of a stretch, not one knowledgeable person would suggest a 710 card unless it was the only thing available in your area that you can possibly afford. You wanted a half decent video card under $100, the 710 is not even close to what you should be looking at. GT730 GDDR5 is about the lowest card I would think of for low spec gaming for cheap for an older system that won't be able to run a modern video card or has a weak power supply.