Question will 1080p look fine on 1440p laptop


Jan 12, 2020
so i have a 1440p monitor and when changing resolution down to 1080p it looks really bad and blurry at full screen but my question is would that be the same for 1440p laptop when changing resolution down to 1080 or would it just look like having a 1080p laptop with no blur
It's subjective and you will get a different response depending on who you ask. However my two cents is that it will look good enough. It won't look quite as good as 1080p on a 1080p screen but the laptops higher pixel density means it will look better on a 15" laptop than a 27" desktop monitor for example.

If your asking because you want to get better gaming performance by dropping the resolution to 1080p then in many modern games you can set the resolution to 1440p and adjust the internal render resolution to reduce the demands on the hardware. That's a better solution than changing the resolution as it means things like the HUD and are rendered at the normal resolution.