Question Will MSI GTX 1060 Gaming X Fit in My Case?

Apr 12, 2019
Hi there. I want to buy MSI Geforce GTX 1060 Gaming X Graphics Card and I want to make sure that it will fit in my case or not?
My Case Specs :

Case Viera 1146 Smoke
Metal solid and lightweight
Dimensions standard and compatible with all the world's hardware
with a color LED for displaying the on/off status or computer function
with USB output and audio jack + Microphone input on the front of the case

More details :
Dimensions: 412* 180 * 380 mm
Large stroke and useful space
with 2 frames for mounting DVD with a curtain and Eject key and a standard
frame for mounting floppy disk drive or internal reader
mounting Additional fan mounting to keep the chamber cool The chassis and the higher performance of the components within it make the
fitting of the hardware components inside the case and function without sound
Tight and beautiful packaging for easy and reliable transportation

The mentioned card dimensions is 277 x 140 x 39 mm. I couldn't look up your case to see if there would be interference from the CD\Drive Bays.

My recommendation would be to measure the area in your case where the GPU would sit, and get a good idea where you stand. My guess with-out measuring in person would be that it would fit.

All the Best
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