For what it's worth, I have a Roland Rubix44 and a Beyerdynamic DT880 Pro 250 Ohm and for me it's working ok.
I had the same concerns about being able to drive them well enough because those Rubix interfaces don't have particularly powerful headphone amps.
But I found it actually surprising how little difference the impedance makes. Sure I have to turn the volume up a bit more than my 37 Ohm and 60 Ohm headphones, but it still handles ny 250 Ohm DT880 well enough for most cases. In live recording sessions in loud environments you might want invest in an headphone amp though (they don't need to be expensive).
The Rubix + 250 Ohm 770s aren't going to blow your head off, but can still get plenty loud. I have my volume knob at about halfway for a comfortable listening level for mixing my home music productions.
I'd say make your choice not based on 80 Ohm or 250 Ohm when it comes to the 770s, but based on the difference in sound between the 2. The 80 Ohm 770s have slightly more bass, the 250 Ohm sounds slightly more detailed. The 32 Ohm version sounds a bit more similar to the 250 Ohm, but is less comfy (and has a quite short cable). The 32 Ohm is probably mostly meant for plugging into your phone on the go.