win8 broken screen safety mode probl


Mar 19, 2014
So a long time ago i accidentally broke my laptops screen so i started to use a external screen however i stupidly rebooted my pc in safety mode and mow cant exit because exrernal screens dont work in safety mode help me please

This dint work no matter how fast i did it

No my screen is broken (like smashed broken) i can see the screen light up in Black color (i think this is the Asus logo screen while the laptop starts up) load then turn blue (this can be anything from login screen to Win8 Advanced startup selection page)

However while i've been messing about pressing buttons i have discovered that if i w8 till the screen turns blue then press [enter] it shuts down immediately
but if i press the right arrow key twice and then enter the screen changes color for a second (wich makes me think that im in some sort of menu)

This is all i know (also ive been going trough the manuals and i discovered its a Notebook not a Laptop [no idea what the difference is] if that's any help)