Question Windows Screen Resolution & Game Resolution


May 15, 2014
I'm not sure if this is the right sub-forum to ask this.. If not i'm sorry... But..
I have a question that may be dumb.. But..
(english is not my main language, so sorry if it's a bit confusing..) I have a 1680x1050 monitor which is the highest option available if I connect it with the other cable I don't remember the name lol, but If I connect my screen with HDMI (which I got recently) I can magically select up to 1920x1080 somehow.. and I was told that, in Nvidia Settings, when you choose your screen resolution.. There can be 2 "lists"... Which I have... The first one is called "Ultra HD, HD, SD" and the best option I can select is "1080p, 1920x1080 (native)" and then there's the other list called "PC" where the best option is only "1680x1050"... Obviously I chose the first one of 1920x1080 in the Ultra HD list... But then I saw somewhere that, for best results, you should always choose the first one in the "PC" list instead.. So.. I changed it to 1680x1050 because it's the best one in the "PC" List... And now my question is... All the games I play, my windows resolution never appears as an option, I can only select 1280x720 which I hate, or 1920x1080 which is the one I'd like to play on.. but.. Will it drastically affect my fps or even my PC somehow if I have my windows resolution at 1680x1050 and for some reason be able to select and play a game in 1920x1080? I'm basically playing the game in a higher resolution then the one I have selected on windows for my screen...So I have 1680x1050 in Nvidia, but I'm playing the games which are set for 1920x1080... Is this problematic? Or is the Nvidia thing not true at all, and it's actually better for me to select the 1920x1080 option in the "Ultra HD, HD, SD" solving all my problems lol?