Yellow exclamation point on Neworking tray icon


Jan 27, 2012

I have Windows 7; Asus motherboard with NVIDIA nForce 10/100 Mbps Ethernet built in to MB. There is a yellow exclamation point over the networking icon in tray at the bottom right side. The system and internet connection worked perfectly for a year before this issue started.

When I boot up, I do not have access to internet. The work around which is a pain is to go to device manager; nvidia networking card; disable it and re-enable it. Then I have complete access to internet.

HOW can I get automatic connection back when I boot up?

I have the latest dirver for the lan from nvidia

Uninstalled and reinstalled.

unsinstalled flushed (Netsh) winsock, resset, resetlog, etc. files and reinstalled.

Checked all entries in the various networking Properties, configuration etc. before connecting to internet and afterwards -- no differences.

Disabled sleep in network card.

Cleaned Registery with 3 different registry cleaners.

In safe mode internet connection is present.

When I boot in selective mode with basic services (NO startups) it still does not work. Adobe update and a couple of more respected softwares are loaded, otherwise only Microsoft programs.

I have tried many more other test. Nothing revealing.

Help !

Have you recently installed an Apple product on the system ? And does it show 2 different networks 1 public and 1 private in the network details ?

I had the same problem after installing Photoshop CS or (I-tunes) awhile back when booting photoshop was launching a bonjour service which was causing the problem --- by changing the service to a delayed boot status the problem went away ( It was only a problem if Bonjour was launched before the network connection had been made and by setting it to a delayed boot it then would launch and run fine since the network connection was made first. See the Pic below for a walkthrough on setting it up for delayed start.



Jan 27, 2012
YES, I recently installed an Apple product on the system And it shows 2 different networks 1 public and 1 private in the network details when I boot up !

I went into service and made the change for delayed action.

I am about to reboot. Wish me luck.


Jan 27, 2012
YES ! I have rebooted twice and the network comes back. I could shake your hand, give you a hug, etc. if I were there. You are the man. I have worked for days over a month period to resolve this.

Thanks, Thanks, Thanks,

Yep -- It took me awhile to find out what it was that was causing the problem but then I remembered I had just installed Photoshop a few days earlier and after searching around for awhile found a few others mentioning the problem occuring due to the Bonjour service (they suggested uninstalling it but then Photoshop didn't want to work properly then finally found one suggesting to delay the loading and it worked and have not had the problem reoccur since !)


Aug 22, 2010
Hi, all though I have tried this in the past, and it worked. Now I need help with the same issue. I just installed 2x120GB SSD drives in a RAID 0 configuration. Since installing the OS and nothing else, I have the same issue. I boot up, (in about 13 seconds) and I get a red X on the network icon, then it goes to a yellow "!" mark and hangs there for about 20 seconds or so. Then I can finally get on the web. Any ideas? I have an ASUS Rampage II Extreme MOBO. I changed NIC ports (I have 2) and the same.. This never happened before I changed to a RAID. But then again, it took over a min or two to just boot