ToineF :
A couple articles doesn't describe what i saw around my environment.
Even to this day ppl create themes for windows that are similar to XP.
But ugly or pretty, when XP came out, you could simply change back the style to the classic one with just a few clicks. Something windows 10 doesn't do. It forces you to use their stupid features and use their ugly interface.
Did you want me to copy/paste all 79,000+ links for that specific search?
All I'm saying is, XP was not loved initially. It eventually grew on people, and now, they don't want to give it up.
But it was hugely ridiculed on first release, whether you remember that or not.
No one is forcing you to use Win 10. If you don't like it, keep using what you were using before.
It's been in public beta for almost a year. There/s been plenty of time to look and see if you like it. And provide feedback on what you did NOT like.
People want 'new', and then complain when it doesn't look
exactly like whatever old version they are used to.
Oh well.
And no, they didn't hire any professional designers. One day, the CEO and the Windows head said "Oh wait!, We need a new interface for this new OS. How do we do that?"
And then looked out the window, and snagged the first eXtreme skatr dood that happened to cruise by. " want a job? Design us some new icons"
'Uh, OK!'