Windows 10 is the worst windows I have ever used in my life
I am very disappointed in the path Microsoft has chosen
I dislike the following:
The frequent notfication to upgrade from previous versions of windows
The automatic windows update and the fact that we can't choose not to install it the way we want
The Telemetry they collect is definitely personally identifiable even on basic in settings
The nagging to set up internet and a Microsoft account twice during installation
When installing at some point it says "leave everything to us"
They force us to upgrade by limiting office 2019, DirectX 12, microsoft store games and Xbox integration to windows 10
The removal of aero and in its place is the metro style themes
They made it harder to setup local accounts now it's called domain
High CPU usage, network usage spikes,
EVERY windows 10 update causes more bugs
Blue screens are normal in windows 10
Lower compatibility with older windows apps
Note: this post may be edited to add more things to the list
Thank you for your time