Question Z390 UD overclocking 9700K to 5GHz, constant BSODs/freezes without clear reason

Jul 29, 2024
Hey all, was wondering if anyone had experience with overclocking on this specific board, because I feel like I'm missing something. What's happening is that whenever I run prime95 it crashes within 3 or less minutes, while there is no apparent reason for it to crash. I've checked and played with BIOS settings, VRM temps, CPU temps, CPU voltage, etc.

CPU voltage I've currently set at 1.360V and I have tried incrementing up to 1.400V, which honestly just felt excessive for a 5 GHz overclock on a 9700K. When it crashes, usually the VRM temps are pretty low, sitting comfortably at 70 C, with the CPU usually sitting at 80-85 C. Ring clock multiplier is set at 45x (I've tried setting it higher, but it just kept freezing the windows startup sequence), and core clock multiplier is set at 50x, with a base clock of 100 MHz. Enhanced multi core performance and settings like VT-d (along with all the voltage managing settings) are disabled.

XMP is on, my system has 2x16GB 2133 MHz corsair vengeance sticks running a 3600MHz profile (I honestly don't know a lot about memory overclocking or XMP so I'm not sure if a 1500 MHz increase on memory is stable, but I've never had problems with it before).

Do you guys have any tips on how I can nail down the exact cause or information on the board? I'd love to hear any advice on this matter.

Note: The problem does not seem to be the memory, I used y-cruncher and prime95 to test it and encountered no freezes or crashes.