
Page 5 - Forum discussion tagged with 1080p.
  1. __kulla__

    Question 1050ti vs 1060

    What is the best way to get more fps from these two?? 1. GTX 1060 3GB with 1080p monitor 1.GTX 1050Ti 4GB with 768p monitor. $$ I mostly care about fps count $$
  2. NightHawkRMX

    Question DSR Issue in TF2

    Hello, I am having an unusual bug with DSR. I have an Overclocked Ryzen 3 1200, Overclocked GTX 1050, and 60hz 1080p monitor. I love the free game Team Fortress 2. My system is powerful enough to run this 12-year-old game with 4x DSR as I get well over 120fps at 1080p max settings normally. I...
  3. 1

    [SOLVED] What GPU should I buy for these specs?

    I am looking to upgrade my GPU to a more recent mid-range NVIDIA one. Right now I have an i5-3570 and an AMD Radeon HD 5670 GPU. I have been told that anything more than a 1060 6GB would be a bottleneck for 1080P but right now, my monitor is 1440P. Which one would you recommend for these specs...
  4. L

    Question VA vs TN 1080p 144Hz Gaming monitor

    Hello, I'm looking for a 144Hz gaming monitor to pair with my 4K 60Hz monitor. I already have the other monitor for daily use, editing and to watch movies, so this monitor would be just for high pace fps games, hence I'm just looking for raw performance and speed, still picture quality needs...
  5. L

    Question Best 1080p 24in 144Hz monitor under 300€

    Hello, I'm looking for a new gaming monitor and can't decide which one to pick. I already have a really good 27in 4k monitor so this monitor would be purely for gaming. Panel performance (response time) comes before picture quality (it's my second screen), but if I can get something with decent...
  6. Rendz_Devils

    [SOLVED] Need some serious advice here about rig i should take.

    Right now i am thinking to upgrade my rig intel q9550 i think i'll take 1060 6gb, and monitor 1080p from my friend so here the other component i am considering to take the rest of spec would probably like this, first choice would probably cost $450 i7 4790k z97 16/ 32gb(cost not included)...
  7. N

    [SOLVED] Is this first build for 1080p gaming ok?

    Hi, Just about to embark on my first ever build and picked up some parts to just do some light 1080p gaming and just want to know if they are up to the job CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 2600 MOBO: Asus TUF B450-plus Gaming GPU: Sapphire Pulse RX580 8GB Memory: Corsair Vengeance LPX ddr4 32gb 2400mhz...
  8. WrathofGod

    [SOLVED] New CPU or GPU

    Hi, as the title says, I'm trying to figure out which to upgrade. My system is currently: Ryzen 3 1300x ASUS STRIX OC RX 570 (4gb) ASUS B350M-E Motherboard 16gb DDR4 3000mhz RAM 1TB 7200 RPM Hard Drive 120GB Team Group SSD Drive I game (mainly Overwatch atm) and do a bit of gfx/video editing...
  9. F

    Question Should i buy a 1080p 27"?

    I've been searching for monitors in my country, and i found 3 models i'm interested in. One of them is 27", and it's even a little cheaper than the other 2, however, the resolution i'm going to play on it's 1080p, the question is, does full hd look ugly/pixelated in 27"? In case you are...
  10. N

    [SOLVED] Need advice choosing good 1080p monitor

    hi two weeks ago i bought a asus rx 580 8gb graphics card. now i've got samsung syncmaster s19b150 18" 720p monitor. i planned to upgrade to 1080p. i've searched for good monitor for occasional gaming/web designing/watching films/surfing the web . i'll spend max 3 hrs per day. so i've made a...
  11. M

    Question Good frames with Vega 64 at 1440p?

    I just bought a 1440p monitor on sale without really considering the frame drop that will come with it. What kind of frame rates would the vega 64 get in newer games if I tuned some settings down. I will be getting an intel i5-9600k, 16gb ram, and a vega 64 for the freesync that came with the...