
Forum discussion tagged with bad.
  1. K

    Question bad attribute for a NEW IronWolf Pro 8 TB

    hello guys i just bought a brand NEW Seagate Ironwolf Pro 8 TB from Amazon when checking SMART attributes i found suspicious bad values for " Read error rate and Seek error rate " could anyone explain or Confirm this and what should i do Seagate Tools Hard Disk Sentinel Crystal Disk Info
  2. Exploding PSU

    Discussion What's the worst keyboard you've ever used ?

    [Moderator edit: Moving thread from Computer Peripherals to Opinions and Experiences. No specific technical problem or question. Discussion.] I had the unfortunate experience of typing on, what I believe, one of the worst keyboard I've ever used. A relative of mine asked me to install...
  3. FishbedMyBeloved

    [SOLVED] SOLVED: KDMPOWER PSU - Safe to use at lower than "rated" wattages?

    Hello, everyone. I bought one of those cheap 70$ PSUs off Ebay "rated" (using the term loosely, I can't find a UL logo on the thing for the life of me) for 1075 watts about a year ago, because I knew very little about computers at the time. Now I finally have the graphics card I intended to...
  4. T

    Question My PC is performing really bad

    According to my Pc is doing really bad for it's components, here is the benchmark page:
  5. G

    Question Audio Issues muddy sound

    This is so annoying, basically for the past 3-4years I couldn't use usb headsets as my audio will be muddy / bassy and unnatural sounding, so when i had a 3.5mm headset i usded realtek hd audio manager to set the eq to powerful which makes all the audio sound normal like it is for most people...
  6. B

    [SOLVED] Windows startup problems after login ?

    I'm brand new so I apologize if this isn't the right place for this. Ever since I installed my second monitor I've been having an issue starting Windows. The PC boots normally until after I login to my Windows, when I login and get to my desktop all my icons load up fine, but my task bar won't...
  7. N

    Question Throttled/Slow download speed on MSI motherboard

    Recently, I decided to upgrade my CPU from AMD FX-8350 to Ryzen 5 3600. Alongside with it, came new RAMs and motherboard ofcourse. I went for MSI X470 Gaming plux max. The old one was Gigabyte GA-970A-DS3P FX The thing is, my download speed is slower then with gigabyte board while using the...
  8. Barttt8

    [SOLVED] Wifi slow

    Hi reader, So we've had a good internet router before which got us like 400-500 mb/ps and ping always lower than my opponents 10-20. i've had no problems untill we hired someone to have better wifi accessibilty in our entire house. And have wired plugs in the walls everywhere. After he did...
  9. L

    Question 3080 With Poor Performance

    I picked up my Strix 3080 a couple days ago, and was super excited to start gaming. Was tricky finding a 3rd 8pin cable but managed to find my psu cable kit, which is an EVGA Supernova 1000 G3. Plugged it all in and started benchmarking and it seemed kinda underwhelming, a tiny bit, but I was...
  10. P

    [SOLVED] R9 280 causing crashes in idle and currupted Windows 10

    So, I have this one R9 280 which was in family PC, in idle it often crashed, freezed and restart was needed. I swapped gpu for GTX 1650 and we did not run into any problems So as I had spare old hardware I built my sister computer with that R9 280 and again, crashes in idle, but this time it...
  11. K

    [SOLVED] Wierd System Performance

    Ok, well i just got this new computer, it is a prebuilt and a second hand (but is only 1-2 years old). I finally got COD: Modern Warfare downloaded and my performance was underwhelming to say the least. The settings were max at first so i turned them down, even though it should be running fine...
  12. klamx

    [SOLVED] 1080 SC GTX EVGA Caught on smoke almost on fire

    Hello, yesterday I had a problem, and I burned my card and I wanted to find out what happened, if my computer is safe or is I really likely to burn another card. The thing is the following I have many doubts and I would like answers to this. And I want the community to give me good answers and...
  13. P

    [SOLVED] Is My Memory Bad

    Hi, I've run Memtest86 and have found a lot of errors, should I assume the memory is bad and ask for a new kit? Thanks Summary bellow Summary Report Date 2020-09-26 21:35:45 Generated by MemTest86 V8.4 Free (64-bit) Result FAIL System Information EFI Specifications 2.70...
  14. F

    [SOLVED] How bad is this psu?
  15. H

    [SOLVED] Broken Hard Drive?

    Some time ago I tried to install windows 7 on a HDD. Somehow I think i broke it. Now if I try to install windows 10 on it , it takes very long to load the instalation( preparation phase ) and now I see that the it doesn't even see the HDD when creating partitions, it says "We couldn’t find any...
  16. B

    [SOLVED] Low fps on every game! Ram issue

    So i which is i7 6700k and gtx 1050 ti with 16 gb crucial 2666, mobo z170 pro gaming, ssd m.2 256 wwindows 10 home , i put.the ram and tried pubg., fps is very low.even.on very.low graphics , i get 30 50 fps with stutters and fps drops all.times , i
  17. B

    [SOLVED] Fps drops and low fps on gtx 970

    Hello all , i have a similar thread about this , but no good answer to be honest, so i really need your help , you could save me from buying a new one or not , so my gtx 970 is running game at low fps , lets say pubg runs at very low at 34 , 30 , drops to 24 , apex very low 50 65 , fps drops to...
  18. A

    [SOLVED] Two monitors but one is flickering

    One of my monitors started flickering 2 weeks ago, and i know its not a driver issue because when I unplug the display port cable it flickers on the "display not found" screen.
  19. V

    [SOLVED] CPU performing below average?

    Pc performing below average? I did an user benchmark to see why my computer runs games so poorly. \ Here is my benchmark but when I searched up the i3 6100 on the same website, the percentages are different...
  20. N

    Question Bad overclock, can’t get to safe mode.

    So a couple of days ago I was recording an “overclocking a GPU“ guide. I accidentally put 900, and then I back screened. I wasn’t worried, and I went to the troubleshooting menu, and clicked startup settings, and clicked restart to get to safe mode. But, then after the computer made the...
  21. S

    [SOLVED] Does Motherboard Raid 1 work on TR3 TRX40 motherboards?

    Does Motherboard Raid 1 work on TR3 TRX40 motherboards? just seen this. Having had hard drive failure before causing me catastrophic problems and setting me back tow years as it have all my portfolio and uni...
  22. B

    Question graphics suddenly goes blurry and fps from 60 to 9

    hey guys i really need help , when i play apex legends suddenly the graphics look extremely bad , and fps drop from 70 to 9 , and pc freeze !!! what can cause the issue? i tried to remove gpu and put it again , it works for a few moments and than it freezes and very bad fps and bad graphics...
  23. L

    [SOLVED] connection problems not allowing me to play online games pls help

    hello so a few days ago i had my pc in the basement connected wiredly to the router, i have been wanting to move it to my room for a long time now but i dont have a wifi card installed on it so only option is wired. i managed to install a tplink repeater in my room and connecting it to my pc...
  24. G

    [SOLVED] Good PC, but bad performance and low FPS?

    Hi guys, first post here, so be nice. I revamped my whole pc, bought the new RTX2070 SUPER and RDR2. On ultra setting at 1080p I read I should get around 80-90 fps, according to this article: However I only get around...
  25. T

    Question Graphics Card performance significantly worse after hours of use.

    Hi there! I purchased an rx 580 Sapphire Nitro+ 8GB at the start of this year. I have had a couple problems with this card, some relating to the voltage settings in wattman, etc. The card works great now, but I have an issue. After a couple hours of use, I will load into a game, particularly...
  26. L

    Question When my brother turns on he's pc my internet connection turns garbage

    I have noticed it for a long time now.. I mean, it's not even because he's downloading anything.. It's literally as soon as he turns on he's computer, that the entire problem starts. When he's downloading games, i can barely use my internet browser or play games myself.. I think it's ridiculous...
  27. leon fairclough2002

    Question Ryzen 2400g extremely poor preformance

    I have just built a new pc with the ryzen 2400g.i chose it due to me being on a budget and the benchmarks on youtube looked promising.however after i built my system many games are unplayable with most titles getting 5 fps on 1080p and 15-20 on 720p im asking if anyone else has had this issue...
  28. D

    what is wrong with my pc?

    intel i5-4690k gtx 970 sc gigabyte ga-z97p-d3 g-skill x ddr3 ssd for windows and main games hyper evo 212 cooler cx600 psu windows 10 build 1903 latest I am playing games on 1080p 144hz, i recently (literally yesterday 20th AUG 2019) got my pc rebuild because i had trouble with it and i gave...
  29. A

    [SOLVED] Bad i7-9700k/1080 Results

    Hello all! I recently upgraded my PC with some new parts and I was comparing some results with other runs (firestrike) and I have come to the conclusion that my PC is not preforming like others. I will have a link to my run and can someone please give me there insight on what could possibly be...
  30. B

    Question anti aliasing is horrible in everygame?

    i used sharp hdtv 32 inch, the truth is im not good with tv settings, and i dont know how to change the resolution on my tv because it has no setting for resolution ... the point is every game i played or most of the game , the anti aliasing is so bad, in just cause 3 its horrible, other games...
  31. B

    Question Pc suddenly slow down everything !

    So my pc suddenly slowing down everything, when i right click on desktop the loading icon takes 4 5 sec to load the options , and such as games like apex legends stuttering alot , suddenly without any warnings , it was perfect before ... so what is the problem? Spec: xeon x3460 Gtx 1050 ti oc 8...
  32. B

    Question When i play online game wifi suddenly turn off

    Hey guys , when i try to open online games like apex, or pubg , the internet speed went very slow , than wifi icon turn off , but sometime i play normal , and later the issue still the same ,i dont know what cause this to happen , can you guys please help ! Spec : Xeon 3460 Gtx 1050 ti oc...
  33. F

    Question PSU little pop sometime when I turn off and on the pc

    Hi , i've a Be quiet pure power 10 700W and more less from the first week i've used (i'm using from 2017) i noticed sometime a little pop after switching on /off the psu main button specially if I don't turn on the pc at all. Could be the realy and it's just fine or I maybe be need to worry and...
  34. B

    Question is it bad to keep your phone charging while you pc is at sleep?

    Hello. So i often have my phone pluged in my pc, and sometimes i am away from the pc for a while, so it goes in sleep mode. sometimes my phone is then still connected to the pc, my quistion is is it bad for my pc (power supply) to keep my phone charging while i sleep mode? Kind Regards. Bas
  35. P

    Question Please Help! FPS drops to 5 after not playing games for a couple of months!!

    This has happened for the third time now. When I don't play games for a couple of month the fps goes down to 5. CPU usage barely reaches 60%. GPU usage at 92% with normal temperature at 62 celsius. It resolved on its own the first time after playing the game at bad fps a few weeks. But the...
  36. T

    Question Low PC performance.

    Okay, so i got this PC about 2 years ago, at first it worked like a charm, but after some time it started being slow, but not just in games. Like, i cant play games and listen to music on youtube at the same time, my fps drops to 20, i have to close every program that is working in background to...