grapchics card

Page 5 - Forum discussion tagged with grapchics card.
  1. Roguespectre101

    [SOLVED] Rtx 2060 graphics card help

    Hi folks, I'm currently upgrading my rig as it hasn't had one since being built and I need some help. I'm upgrading my graphics card from a Gtx 670 to a Rtx 2060 but I've came up against some problems. I've since installed the new card but it gets to the bios screen and then windows but it...
  2. JaAntonio

    [SOLVED] Is worth the upgrade?

    I play at 2560x1440 144Hz with a GTX1080Ti. My question is if it's worth to upgrade to RTX2080Ti to get some fps extra or buy a RTX2080Super which i read on Internet was barely the same performance as the Ti version on 1440p. Money isn't a concern but want to know if i get something noticeable.
  3. L

    [SOLVED] Will use 2 6 pin to 1 8 pin adapter, grounding wires??

    Hey guys! My first question here. I bought a new graphic card, and come to find out it requires an 8 pin input from the power source, and my last graphics card was 6 pin. So, I did a little research, and found out I can use an adapter with 2 x 6 pin heads (input), that comes to an 8...
  4. HelpmeImStuckBecuase

    Question 2 PSU's one graphics card

    So I have multiple PSU's with an XFX Rx580 which needs a 8 pin power connector however in the box it includes a converter to two 6 pin power connectors. The PSU I have in my computer only has one 6 pin connector and I have another PSU with another 6 pin connector. I was wondering if I could plug...