G'day everyone! First of all I want to say that your community is excellent, whenever I had an issue with my PC this forum was my first Go To. Big thanks to all of you in here.
Unfortunately I have encountered an issue that I cannot solve and I am at my wits end. Hopefully you can help me once...
I am getting annoying stuttering in rust even with a pretty good rig, Ive tried literally every guide there is on youtube about rust stuttering etc, Nothing works, Ive got an gtx 1080 TI and a i7 7700k. I also get a bit of input lag and its really really annoying and just makes the game...
My PC:
Processor: Intel Core i3 6098p 3.6 Ghz
GPU: Nvidia GTX 1050 Ti 4GB
Monitor: 19 inch, 60 Hz
I want to upgrade my monitor to 24 inch, 144 Hz, 1ms.
On my current monitor, I had noticed screen tearing in FIFA on which I was able to get 100 FPS. The tearing went away after I...
Hello guys, i want a way to remove my screen tearing in games(r6). I tried vsync on game setting but it has input lag and i dont want it, so is there anyway to remove screen tearing? My monitor is 60hz and i dont know it can support FreeSync or not.
I heard about amd FRTC but i heard it has a...
I've had input lag in my mouse for 8 months. On several different pc's with different mice and different keyboards. I used different monitors all at 144hz and tried a different house and still had the problem. I tried all versions of windows as well.
Currently im running i7 9700k, RTX 2070, XPG...
im getting input lag in all my games and i have no idea why. Ive spent hours looking up solutions and tried pretty much everything ive seen, still have no idea why. All my nvidia control panel settings are set to low and mouse precision is turned off in windows. Xbox game bar is also turned off...
Whenever I play an FPS game, I will swipe my mouse and sometimes the mouse feels like it stops accepting input and resists my movements. It has done this since I built my PC about a year ago, but sometimes it is not as extreme, so games are playable at most times. But other times, I can't aim...
okay so ive got this big problem with my pc. ive talked to alot of people and nobody has come up with a solution.
im runnin a i5 7400 4core 4 thread stock 3.0ghz turbo boost 3.5ghz , and a msi 1060 6gb oc version, h110m-dgs mobo, 8gb ddr4 2400mhz ram, 600w zalman psu and a toshiba 7200rpm 1tb...
Since my 7 year old pc finally died i decided to build a new one. Going with i7 9700k, a rtx 2060 and a msi z390 pro motherboard. My monitor is pretty old and only has a dvi port. Since the rtx cards only have hdmi/dp i would have to connect the display cable directly to the motherboard.
All my games require my mouse to be double their normal sensitivity to be as fast as they used to.
For example I was on around 3.95 on Overwatch but now it's unbearably slow, I had to go to 6 just to play the game. On CS:GO I used to play on 1 but now i have to go to 1.4 to be as fast as...
I've had input lag in my mouse for 8 months. On several different pc's with different mice and different keyboards. I used different monitors all at 144hz and tried a different house and still had the problem. I tried all versions of windows as well.
Currently im running i7 9700k, RTX 2070...
Hello so basically im playing CS:GO professionally, and would like to achieve the lowest Input lag/latency possible, im using csgo ingame frame rate limiter set at FPS_MAX 300, but recently i heard that in Nvidia profile inspector, frame rate limiter mode changing from default to "Limiter force...
Hello everyone, I come to introduce you to something very strange that is happening to me, I hope some of you can help me in some way.
I'm going to be brief ... For a few years I've got problem with general mouse delay in games, a strange delay in which it makes me look like I'm moving my mouse...
So i recently heard that running integrated gpu with gpu together and installing latest integrated gpu drivers makes cs:go run smoother with more fps, etc... I`ve got i5 8400, and gtx 960 i would like to ask if i should enable my integrated gpu in bios and will i get better results? As this...
Had input lag for months, put down 2000 dollars for a new pc and I am getting the same input lag back. It is the most noticable in CS and is very inconsistent. It will be completely gone, or impossible to play on. I have an i7 9700k and RTX 2070 with 800w of power and 16gb of ram. Could it be my...
Hello people, need help with adjusting my new LG 24GM79G-B. It has option called "response time" it goes from Fast/normal/slow to OFF. I`m mainly Cs:GO player- Professional, need option witch will give least input lag/ least MS :)
https://prnt.sc/mzmnz0 Thanks!!! :)
cpu - i7 7700k
gpu - gtx 1050ti
mb - msi z270-a pro
I used to have 1070
i feel like my mouse is slower than it used to be
i thought that it was my mouse so i bought new g402 (early i had zowie fk1)
nothing changed
Old System: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/gTMmcY
New System: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/XLzFD2
This is my hard drive: Hitachi HDS721010CLA630 1TB
But some of the games that I get stuttering in are on my SSD: Sandisk PLUS 240 GB 240GB
For around 2 months now i've had very bad input lag in my PC, it started on Windows 10 and I moved down to 8.1 and it made it slightly better, however 8.1 gave me input lag mainly when I see people in games instead of 24/7. So I moved to 7 and the same problem occurs.
I've tried dozens of GPU...
On an HP laptop, when the battery is in it, it will be on for a minute then it makes a popping sound and instantly dies. But if I take the battery out and run it on the cord it runs fine, do I just need a new battery?
I have windows 10 1803 build, i assigned Sumatra PDF as my default pdf reader yet windows keep asks for default app for pdf files.
I tried to to prevent EDGE from opining pdf files through registry. now windows doesn't suggest Microsoft edge anymore, but still pop up window asks for default app...
my laptop stopped showing video, called dell a technician came and said we cant fix it, because i used other non dell screws, which he said i had inserted "construction screws" which was not true and he wont repair it, i took out battery yes, i put it back in yes i plugged in charger yes i...
i recently rebuilt my x-mas present pc
my parts are
intel Pentium G4560 3.5GHz Dual-Core Processor
MSI B250M PRO-VD LGA 1151 Intel B250 SATA 6Gb/s USB 3.1 Micro ATX Intel Motherboard
EVGA 600 B1 100-B1-0600-KR 80+ BRONZE 600W Includes FREE Power On Self Tester Power Supply
Team Elite Plus 8GB...
So I just got an msi gaming 3 z97 mobo. But I'm having a very strange situation. When I turn my PC on the only fans spinning are the CPU, rear case fan, and power supply fans. The front case fans won't spin or the gpu's in fact the gpus try to spin for a second but then stop and start again...
I play the game “The Forest” on my desktop and only have issues normally about 30-45 mins into the game. It starts to render the terrain and cannibals very strangely. I upgraded my pc hoping to fix the problem and have a faster pc for gaming but it didn’t help this game... I game play GTA V at...
I tried increasing to 350 percent image still small if I enlarge by using pinch to spread screen I cannot do anything on the screen for input it jumps everywhere. I have the mentioned video card don't know if this is my problem because if I look on their page I see all downloads detected or my...
So i started a build it has the following:
1: i5 2500k
2: evga z68 ftw extended mobo
3: gtx 1060 3gb
4: h60 aoi
5: 3tb hdd
So i built the rig booted it installed windows, drivers, etc, everything runs fine when its on, But when i shut it off and turn it back on or restart it i get a cant read...
Ight I have a i5-6600k , Asus z170-A mobo and a would like ripjaw v series 2x8g, Im looking for a cool that will fit these parts. Im cool with paying up to 90-100 for this.
I really would prefer air coolers, not really looking to have a liquid cooler. Any ideas?
PS; I want to overclock
My MSI GTX960 grphics card is under performing.. i get 20 frames on Evolved stage 2 on low settings.. no vsynce or anything... please help..
also my CPU is 700w
Hi, I have heard that you need drivers in order to be able to use usb 3.0. I wanted to know if I can install windows 10 on a usb 3.0 port, secondly, do i need internet to perform a clean install of windows? I am also getting an MSI gaming 3 motherboard.
My wife would like a laptop that can play Fallout 4 and maybe some older games as well (Fallout 3, Oblivion, Assassin's Creed 2). Her current laptop doesn't have the specs to play Fallout 4 so I told her I would get her a new one. It needs to be a laptop because she travels a lot so a desktop is...
So i have my 2500k with asus p8z67 currently running at 4.2mhz with 1,22v, because i dont need it to be faster.
The thing is, when i did the overlcock i didnt know much about pcs, so i followed a step by step guide, and these are the values i used for the digi+ vrm settings:
First build ever and of course it doesn't boot. UnfortunatelyI can't work out where the beep speaker goes which I'd like to use now to start diagnosing what's up.
This guy: http://www.gigabyte.com/products/product-page.aspx?pid=4992#ov
I got my MSI graphics card today, I installed the drivers and the other programs on the disc. Then MSI Live Update tries to update my mobo BIOS and suddenly my screen went to black, and the pc now turns on and off with nothing ever on the screen.
Please help, what can I do?? I'm panicking!
You seriously comparing the r9 290 with the gtx 960? -.- you lost all my respect as a web and forum....