stuttering fps

Forum discussion tagged with stuttering fps.
  1. MaxBrando76

    Question Occasional rare stuttering / micro freeze on laptop while gaming on emulators ?

    Hi there. I would like to ask for advice or maybe even solution to a problem i am having recently. I noticed some rare micro stuttering while playing 2d games. It happens like once a minute, or sometimes like once every 30-40 seconds, so it's not always there. If i check fps, then it generally...
  2. N

    Question Experiencing low 99% FPS drops when playing certain PC games; need help troubleshooting!

    So, I have been experiencing stutters and multiple games I play on my new PC I had built around 2 months ago. I have been experiencing these stutters since day one basically. I have tried various things to try to mitigate the stuttering, but nothing has worked. Some of the games I have had...
  3. S

    Question Stuttering Issue on i7 3770k and RTX 3080

    Having issues with my new to me EVGA RTX 3080 FTW3. I had no issues with my old GTX 1070 FE, but ever since upgrading basically all games have a weird stutter/frame pacing issue. I have tried basically every resolution available on the internet but nothing seems to work. When moving the...
  4. Immolator772

    Question Video Games started lagging out of nowhere

    When i enter any game, my pc starts lagging in CSS it runs in around 200+fps but for seconds it will drop fps and cause the game to stutter. My HDD's are fine, i did a disk cleanup, all of my drivers are updated, i even tried to rollback to older driver then brought it back to the current...
  5. T

    Question Game stuttering

    Copy pasting from my ltt forum post for some more eyes. PC was fine yesterday. I first noticed it in CSGO, my framerate would hit around 120 ish and every other second it would dip down. Using the GeForce Overlay thingy it's saying my 99% is around 10 FPS and it's creating a stutter that's...
  6. Domenix

    [SOLVED] Multiple monitors - Different refresh rates = stuttering issue

    Allright. Hi my name is Domenix. I’ve tryed to solve my issue for about 2 years, but i give up each time i try cause there just doesn’t seem to be any way to solve it, however, the issue being a very ”simple” one 🧐. Now i found this forum through linus tech tips and i hope you guys can help me...
  7. XZerodoll

    [SOLVED] Help me with my build please! (I'm afraid of my CPU/GPU bottlenecking)

    Okay so.. I'm building a new gaming rig.. The build I wanted to use was a 2080 ti, i9-10900k, Asus ROG Maximus XII Extreme Z490 (Wifi 6) LGA 1200 (Intel 10th Gen) EATX Gaming Motherboard, DDR 4-3200 HyperX Fury 32GB, 500GB NVMe PCIe M.2 SSD. Here's the issue, I cannot decide what monitor to...
  8. mansano28

    Question Assassin's Creed Syndicate stuttering a lot but my rig is good?

    So I bought AC Syndicate and I started playing yesterday and for my surprise the game doesn't run very well on my rig and I'm pretty sure my PC is well capable of running this 2015 game just fine but it is not what's happening... It doesn't matter how I set the graphics. Ultra, High, Low, etc...
  9. T

    [SOLVED] Microstuttering and CPU usage spikes while gaming

    CPU: Intel i9-9900k GPU: Nvidia Geforce 1080 Motherboard: Gigabyte Z390 AORUS LGA1151 Hard Drives: 1xWD SSD 500GB, 2:WD HDD 1TB RAM: 16GB DDR4 I'm having issues and I'm hoping someone more knowledgeable than me can help. As mentioned above, I have a pretty darn good PC built. However, when...
  10. D

    [SOLVED] At wit's end with this Card

    I have posted before about this issue but it was just a mention and not a dedicated thread about it. My original plan was to upgrade my motherboard and cpu first because most the new cards would be bottlenecking this cpu... But recently the stuttering issue with my RX r480 is getting worse to...
  11. R

    In Game FPS Drops (Normal?) - I3 9100F & GTX 1650 Super

    Hi Everyone, My pc spec is as follows : I3 9100 F GTX 1650 super MSI Ventus XS OC GEIL Evo Potenza 2666MHZ 16 GB (8x2 dual channel) 480 GB Adata SSD During games, I usually notice that the FPS is stable at around 70 FPS but drops to around 51 sometimes during graphics such as blasters, high...
  12. L

    Question Upgraded to I7 9700k and now have constant stuttering

    I took the plunge and upgraded my system to an I7 9700k from an I7 6700k and every game I play is stuttering. I7 9700k (New) Corsair H100i AIO MSI RTX 2070 Super ROG Asus z390-f Motherboard (New) 16GB Corsair Vengance 3000mhz 650W Corsair 80+ 250GB SSD (OS) 1TB Samsung Evo Plus (Games) I...
  13. T

    [SOLVED] PC Constantly Stuttering in games. Help!

    Hello, so my system I have had for around 4 months now, is constantly stuttering in every game. Here are the specs: i5-9400F GTX 1650 8GB DDR4 RAM 128GB SSD with 1TB HDD Windows 10 Home It is an Acer prebuilt "gaming" pc. I don't seem to be getting a 60 FPS lock as some of the YouTube videos...
  14. I

    [SOLVED] I have Nvidia gtx 1060 6GB AMP Edition, Intel I5 6400 8GB ram and 1tb hdd and it stuttering like lowest pc can you help me

    I have Nvidia gtx 1060 6GB AMP Edition, Intel I5 6400 8gb ram and 1tb hdd and it stuttering ( NFS heat or COD Warzone or little heavy game.)like lowest pc can you help me.!! and also 100% Disk Usage while playing NFS heat or COD Warzone or little heavy game.
  15. C

    [SOLVED] Help: Rx 570 Stuttering and failing to generate textures in some instances?

    How do I fix this I am losing my <Mod Edit> I updated my driver for the first time in like a year and now im having issues with the card it stuuters in tomb raider almost making unplayable and it fails to load the characters in overwatch. I wiped the driver clean and re installed them and have...
  16. A

    Question Games are not using more than 4Gb Ram when having 16Gb installed, and games stutter!

    Hi, so I just upgraded from 2x4gb (8GB DDR3 1600) to 2x8gb (16GB DDR3 1600), however games seem to be using somewhat the same or less ram than they did when I had 8GB installed. I've read around that games such as PUBG should around 8-10gb of ram. However it's only been using just above 4GB of...
  17. P

    [SOLVED] Can more ram fix stuttering in games ? (From 8 gb to 16 gb ram)

    I have i5 2400 ( will soon upgrade ) Hdd 500gb ( will soon buy ssd ) Gtx 1050ti 8gb ram... just ordered 8more gigs... will more ram fix my stuttering in some games? Monitor resolution is 1400x900 75hz
  18. A

    Question Gtx 1070 stuttering like crazy

    I'll just say this now, I am pretty new to PC's. I upgraded to a Strix 1070 and did a clean install of all of the drivers using DDU, turned power management up, and have not had any luck in figuring out why RE2 and DMC V are all doing this weird stutter effect. My specs are the following: OS...
  19. T

    [SOLVED] Why do I get low frame rates?

    Alright! So I have recently upgraded my hardware to be able to play newer games. I recently picked up the new star wars game, the surge 2 and evil within 2. However I get massive frame drops and low frame rates on all three of these games, no matter how low I go on the settings. I should have a...
  20. F

    Question Stuttering in some games, tried loads of things. Please help!

    So I bought a new computer, but have some old hardware in it. AMD Ryzen 7 2700 Gigabyte Aorus Elite B450 motherboard Corsair DDR4 3200mhz 32GB RAM Nvidia GeForce GTX 1070 Graphics BenQ 144hz monitor My issue is that in most games I experience micro stuttering. It doesn't seem to be any type of...
  21. J

    [SOLVED] Awful PC stuttering problems, PLEASE help!

    Hi everyone! Monday morning (September 23rd) I was playing the new Call of Duty Modern Warfare beta when all of a sudden my game began to stutter extremely bad and would eventually begin to crash to my desktop. Ever since this, it has slowly gotten worse and is now totally effecting my...
  22. H

    [SOLVED] Stuttering in games even with high fps

    Guys, I noticed that in all games, when I let the framerate loose or locked at 60 they get some annoying chokes, I tested with vsync on and off and I still did several tests on the rise of tomb raider game, in that benchmark option , when I let the fps loose or locked at 60, always chokes, and...
  23. D

    [SOLVED] Laptop Plugged In Not Charging, and lagging heavily while playing games

    Hi, I have an Acer Aspire 5 A515-51G-56K9, it's about 1 year old now. The battery has already been once replaced because it had a 80% Wear Level according to HWinfo. The laptop came with a 65W charger, which heats up quite a lot, while charging especially charging while playing games...
  24. B

    Question Micro stuttering

    Hi, can motherboards cause micro stuttering in games ? I own the cheap B450M pro vdh plus motherboard with a ryzen 5 2600 and 2x8gb g. Skill aegis ram in dual channel @2933mhz In most games i get little hiccups every few seconds, no matter at what graphic or pc & bios settings I play. I...
  25. zFireblade

    [SOLVED] FPS drops and stuttering

    I've been encountering some very bad FPS drops in several games now. I have stable fps most of the time but sometimes it goes from 150 to 30 for 1-2 seconds and I don't have any idea what pc component is responsible for that. My specs: GPU: Asus rtx 2060 oc 6GB CPU: Intel core i7-4790 3,60 GHz...
  26. N

    Question Performance hit after GPU upgrade

    Specs: i5 6500 GTX 1060 6GB 16GB DDR4 500GB SSD MSI H110M GAMING I recently upgraded my graphics card from a 750ti to a 1060 6gb and at the same time added another 8GB of DDR4 ram, since doing this whenever i play games the performance is worse than it was on my previous graphics card. So far...
  27. A

    [SOLVED] Micro Freezes in Forza Horizon 3

    Micro Freezes in Forza Horizon 3 after playing some time . This happens in every setting low to ultra same problem occur MY RIG SPECS Zotac Nvidia GTX 1050ti OC edition 4gb Intel Xeon E3 1220 v1 8 gb DDR3 RAM kingston 1600mhz(CPU supports on 1333mhz) 450 watts PSU zebronics (generic) Please...
  28. B

    Question Massive FPS Drops/Stuttering in all games

    Hi everybody this is my first post on a forum so please let me know if im doing something wrong. Since i built my PC 1-2 months ago i have been experiencing massive fps drops and stutters in literally all my games, even minecraft... I have been trying to figure out the problem the second i...
  29. Mawpy

    Question Why am I getting micro stuttering?

    Hey I recently built a new PC and was wondering why I was getting micro stuttering on some of my games. Games like PUBG with lowish settings(high textures except everything thing else is at low). Here are my PC Specs: CPU: Intel core i7 8700k RAM: 16 GB 3200MHz G Skill Ripjaw Motherboard: msi...
  30. H

    Question As of 7/22/18 my PC can't run any games properly

    Specs: GPU: GTX 1070 CPU: i5-4690 (prob. bottlenecking GPU, I know) MB: H97 anniversary RAM: 8GB My PC runs perfectly when im not running any games and when I'm tabbed out of a game, but when I'm running the game the fps goess from 60+ to 4 to 16 in one second. When the problem first occured I...
  31. D

    Question Chrome causes fps drops, Firefox crashes comp

    Watching any kind of video in chrome causes consistent fps drops in most games I play, vsync on/off doesnt matter, windowed/borderless/fullscreen doesnt matter. I've uninstalled and reinstalled my gpu drivers multiple times, doesnt matter. I tried firefox per a friend's recommendation and it...
  32. T

    Question Hitman 2 stuttering using new gpu

    PC Spec : i5 2400 3.10 GHz Gpu: gtx 1060 3gb Psu: EVGA 400W N1 Motherboard : asus p8h61-m lx r2.0 Ram : 8gb DDR3 So, i bought a 2nd hand gpu gtx 1060 3gb, when i play hitman 2 on (720p)and then the ram usage is going crazy using all of the ram for just 1 minute. After it reach the maximum of...
  33. C

    [SOLVED] Micro Stuttering (Unstable FPS) in Games.

    Hey Guys, I have bought a new PC and I was so excited to play games on it. But then I noticed some micro stutters during game-play. Games like Battlefield V, Assassins Creed Odyssey, PUBG, the FPS goes 60 FPS+ but I do notice some micro stutters in games. I thought lowering the settings will...
  34. creohan

    Help! Asus mobo won't boot!

    Hi, I have the following: Mobo: asus p7p55d-e pro I7 -870 stock 8gb corsair ram 750w corsair psu Asus gtx 560ti Seagate hdd This setup worked perfectly for about 3 years. Had literally 0 problems Now: after getting the normal beep at startup, in about 4 seconds I get another beep (same...