
Page 2 - Forum discussion tagged with Stutters.
  1. RealSmoke

    Question Decent Pc Somehow has small freezes on Far Cry 1 .

    So i've been playing the first Far cry game since i was like 4, always on a weak pc, but now i got a pretty decent pc especially for the price! But the game has a half second or even 1 to 2 second freeze mostly when: Zooming with binoculars 2 times , Shooting and hitting a enemy or getting shot...
  2. X

    [SOLVED] Stutters curse

    [text removed] First my spec : I5 2500 ( bought from 10 years ) 1050ti (2 years ) 1x8gb ram ( bought from 10 years too) Wd hdd black 1Tb (10 years too) Wd hdd blue 500gb (10 years ) Evga liquid cooling OK my proplem is when i play my games (Fortnite , battlefield 1, titanfall 2 , destiny Cs go...
  3. S

    Question FPS drops/Stutters after few minutes of gaming (All Games)

    Hey guys, I've noticed some massive and sudden FPS drops in all games on my laptop this last week. My laptop isn't the best. It isn't even meant for gaming (I guess?). But I've been playing on it for 4 years now. Games like CS:GO were running smoothly on the lowest settings. Until lately...
  4. luzbelivo

    Question Micro stuttering with NO Vsync in games (Mostly Shooters) - Win 10 - Good PC

    Hi guys, i've been having this problem for a while now and i decided to create this post because i don't know what else to try. I'm sorry for my english, i'm not a native english speaker but i'll try my best. My PC is pretty new and since i had it i've always had microstutters on CS:GO, PUBG and...
  5. C

    [SOLVED] CS:GO Stuttering/Huge FPS Drops...

    CS:GO Stuttering/Huge FPS Drops... Not to long ago i completely reset my PC... After reinstalling windows and getting my programs reinstalled and stuff I installed CS:GO and set my game up to the way I play it. While playing i noticed HUGE fps drops and it's really annoying. I average around...
  6. szogun

    Which speakers have better sound and bass Creative Kratos S5 or Bose Companion 3 and 5

    I want to know which has a better sound and bass a modern Creative Kratos S5 or Speakers from 2006 the Bose Companion 3 and 5 as I am looking to buy new speakers for gaming watching movies and listening to music I can get the creative kratos s5 until 30th November for £90 original price £130 or...
  7. C

    Best Dac/Amp under $100 cad for the Ath-M40x

    I usually play first person games like csgo, overwatch, etc and listen to electronic music. With the M40x i just feel like im missing somethibg, hope you understand what I mean.
  8. A

    I5 8400 vs i5 8500

    Hello i just made a new pc and i wanna know if this build is good for 1080p ultra gaming I wanna know too if there is any big difference between i5 8400 and i5 8500 Mobo asrock z370m pro4 retail Gpu i5 8500 3ghz Cpu palit 1060 3gb Ssd 120 gb and 1 hd 1tb for storage Psu corsair 650 watt Ram...
  9. H

    2008 Jeep Liberty not charging, alternator and battery replaced.

    It died last night when parked at work, unsure how, asking on their behalf. I'm told the alternator and battery have been replaced. After googling for a good 20 minutes I've read everything for potential culprits from a bad alternator to corrosion on the cables. Aforementioned relative insists...
  10. M

    Video editing PC - first build £900-950

    Hi everyone, been googling for a few days now, trying to find the best bang for the buck and Ryzen 5 seems to be the way to go when it comes to video editing. Here's what i come up with. (had to change the total as some of the prices were too low ). £ 950 is the top bracket, would love to spend...
  11. K

    Computer freezing right after boot. I believe this to be the hard drive but not sure.

    Hello all, First time asking for help on a forum. Bought a pre-built pc from newegg about 4 years ago. Mobo and processor died out(prob since i overclocked them) but thats not my problem. I now built a new computer with a new processor, motherboard, ram, and a liquid cooling system. I had kept...
  12. J

    my new tv doesnt have scart option but my harddrive only has scart connection how do i get round this please

    require solution to enable continued recording of programmes
  13. I

    Improving Internet Connection

    I have had a lot of issues with comcast recently regarding my internet connection reliability. General random outages and packet loss is pretty common. The connection speed itself isnt that great either. I am currently using a SB6141 which only uses 4 channels. If I were to upgrade to a better...
  14. GamePlayWarrior

    Looking for advice on GTX 780 Ti vs 970?

    I have been stumbling over this decision for the last few days and hoping someone here can help me out. My problem is right now I can get a 780ti for roughly the same price as the 970 which is a newer card but apparently less powerful and the 780ti (based on my own research) so I am wondering...
  15. H

    Need to upgrade business computers

    HI, Ok I have this computer build for a small company, with 2 network servers. I have 2 computers that now can not handle the work load, we had the dells motherboards. What other motherboards would be good for growing business. thanks