Aug 27, 2021
hi there. i have i7 2600 32gb ddr3 and gtx 1050ti system and i am doing editing work. unfortunatelly davinci, premiere etc programs cant play 4k video in edit relaxly, a lot of stuttering, freezing issue. as i know in this programs only processor working for playback videos. do you have any solution for me? as i know i cant upgrade more than 3770k without change my mainboard(z77ds3h ) and rams. maybe you have some good ideas for this issue. have a nice evening
i am using sandisk ssd plus and classick sata. if i change my classic sata hdd and if i use double ssd is that good upgrade for my situation?
It depends on if this drive is what is slowing down the system. Do you see your hard drive light on when you get the problems? If so, change the sata to ssd.
It appears with at least one of the programs you are using, even if you upgrade the CPU/mobo/RAM that the limiting factor is still going to be the VRAM of the 1050ti.

Considering that at the moment you will either overpay for a GPU, hope to wait in line for a chance to buy a GPU, or just not get a GPU right now....
It might be worthwhile to update to a newer base system and take a wait and see attitude about the GPU like so many of us are.
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It appears with at least one of the programs you are using, even if you upgrade the CPU/mobo/RAM that the limiting factor is still going to be the VRAM of the 1050ti.

Considering that at the moment you will either overpay for a GPU, hope to wait in line for a chance to buy a GPU, or just not get a GPU right now....
It might be worthwhile to update to a newer base system and take a wait and see attitude about the GPU like so many of us are.
yes i cant change my complete system for now. honestly i can make my editing works but after 2.7K video resolution issue starting(always render, wait etc). i am using sandisk ssd plus and classic sata. if i change my sata and if i use 2 ssd is this good for me? yes 1050ti is old but for prewiev video gpu and rams is not working any. for example in after i am very relax with my system because rams and gpu working well. or if i change my i7 2600 to 3770k is that good upgrade for me?
Something that stands out to me is your mention of 4K video. At least in Davinci you are below min spec for that resolution. You should be expecting issue. You are on minimum for 1080, but should be workable. Might be a good idea to concentrate on that aspect until you can upgrade.
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