I recently built myself a PC, and games have been running fine on it, then all off a sudden my controller and mouse input delay turns really bad. feels like im playing on console. my temps are all fine, and this exact problem happend on my old gaming PC i built. I have hard reset the PC which took over an hour and still no difference.
someone please help, its controller and mouse,
Thank you,
gtx 1650 super
16gb ddr4 2400mhz
550w psu
250gb ssd
1TB hdd
gigabyte B360N mobo
Nzxt cooler
someone please help, its controller and mouse,
Thank you,
gtx 1650 super
16gb ddr4 2400mhz
550w psu
250gb ssd
1TB hdd
gigabyte B360N mobo
Nzxt cooler