renz496 :
and that's what makes us see more and more rebrands from AMD.
I honestly do not understand why people hate rebrands that much...
Lets look at the benefits of rebrands :
-Fixes any discovered chip defects and bugs.
-Uses an already stable and strong driver.
-Good compatibility with older software. (As those software will simply detect the card as the older variant.) (Eg. HD 6670 detected as HD 5670)
-More funds for AMD to allocate towards architecture development and improvements.
-Cheaper for consumers, as the fabs and third party manufacturers (MSI, Diamond, XFX) already have the infrastructure and experience producing those boards fast and cheaply.
-Lowers the price of the older variants. (Nothing prevents people buying the R9 290X when the R9 380X comes out for a cheaper price for the same performance.)
-And more...
The only disadvantage is that those rebrands do not have the newest architecture, and kids can't brag anymore about how their GPU is the "bestest and the awesomest" (sic).