Question At my wits end, 5ghz is not appearing after installing my new ASUS AC88

May 17, 2020
Hi there, I just installed my ASUS AC88 dual band wireless adaptor into my own system, but the 5ghz channel is not working whatsoever.

2.4ghz works completely fine, but as soon as I switch to 5ghz (I use android hotspot for my wifi needs) it just doesn't want to connect. I (think I ) know it's a problem with my card and not my hotspot as when I switch to my old USB wifi adaptor, 5Ghz works perfectly fine.

I have tried downloading numerous different drivers, rebooting, putting it into a new PCI-e slot to no avail.

When I look at properties I do notice that the only 802. bit coming up is: 802.11d support (auto country) , nothing else along the lines of 802.11ac

I've been working on this for a few hours now so any help would be appreciated, if you need more information I'll absolutely provide -- am not good with networks haha :))
Hi there, I just installed my ASUS AC88 dual band wireless adaptor into my own system, but the 5ghz channel is not working whatsoever.

2.4ghz works completely fine, but as soon as I switch to 5ghz (I use android hotspot for my wifi needs) it just doesn't want to connect. I (think I ) know it's a problem with my card and not my hotspot as when I switch to my old USB wifi adaptor, 5Ghz works perfectly fine.

I have tried downloading numerous different drivers, rebooting, putting it into a new PCI-e slot to no avail.

When I look at properties I do notice that the only 802. bit coming up is: 802.11d support (auto country) , nothing else along the lines of 802.11ac

I've been working on this for a few hours now so any help would be appreciated, if you need more information I'll absolutely provide -- am not good with networks haha :))
Double check the channel that the 5Ghz hotspot is using. Manually set to channel 36 and set the width to 40Mhz. That will ensure compatibility. There could be country differences that the Asus card doesn't account for.
Double check the channel that the 5Ghz hotspot is using. Manually set to channel 36 and set the width to 40Mhz. That will ensure compatibility. There could be country differences that the Asus card doesn't account for.

How could I go about checking this on an android phone running android 10? Unfortunately I cannot see anything on my phone that lets me change the channels

I did see that in the properties of my actually working USB dual band that it actually gave me the option to choose the channels, there's no such option when I look at the properties of the ASUS card.

The properties that DO show up on my asus card (and might be pertinent) --
20/40 coexistence (AUTO)
2G bandwith capability -- 2.4: 20/40mhz OR CAN BE SET TO 20mhz
40Mhz introlerant -Disabled
802.11d support (AUTO country) - DISABLED, but I have also tried setting it to enabled