ATI Radeon 5850, 5870, 5870X2 pricing revealed?

wow, steep price and big chips. I hope they do more than 60% faster than 4870.
4870 is $150 ATM. $399 is about 2.7x the price for 1.6x perf wont be very practical buy considering Perf/dolar. Yet it shouldn't be as its a new generation top dog card.

We will see, I hope we see some leaked benchies by the end of the week

Exactly ,only 1.6 performance improvement from previous 4870 is fishy for $399 .Waiting for benchmarks.
I'm going to go out on a limb and tell you that those prices are not accurate, trust me.

That article is pretty much full of sh!t. Expect the prices to be much more reasonable.
I stopped reading as soon as I saw it from Theo Valich. Honestly the mods really ought to close threads based on links from that guy.
You're forgetting these will be the ONLY dx11 parts available at the time of launch.. R&D has been ploughed into implimenting it, they want their return...
The GTX 285 is going for ~$350 and the GTX 295 is going for ~$500
I have a feelig the 5870's performance will be comparable to that of GTX 295.
These are high performance parts guys, premium parts. You pay for what you get

the 5870 will smack the gtx 295.
then nvidia will release its new series.

God I would want that.But unlikely to happen ,we still don't know even though a price of $399 should easily surpass gtx295 if performance per dollar comes into consideration.

but we can still hope right?
249$ 349$ 499$

Thats just what im guessing. I don't believe there cards will quite "beat" nvidia 3xxx series but there going to offer amazing price/performance much like the 4xxx series.
Worst article I've ever seen tbh.

When the 5870 is released costing half what is being said here, remember that BSN is a total joke and never, ever link it again.
I actually hope this is right and AMD gets to make some money for a change. (As long as performance is in line with the price, of course.)
I would like to see AMD charging top dollar as well for the top part.

I'm sure the X2 will cost a small fortune, but the 5870 will be affordable (ie not $399) and the 5850 will be the new people's champion around $249.
They could always launch a 5850X2 first, and counter Nvidia's cards with the 5870X2. Or possibly launch with a 5870X2 and keep a 5890/5890X2 in reserve, if they're planning on doing something like RV790 again.

Nah the 5850x2 will be left to Sapphire again, if they want to do it.

The top 3 ATI's about to be released should beat what Nvidia has at a cheaper price. Nvidia will counter with their best effort 55nm gpu's (the good gpu's that they've been saving) at prices they are losing a lot of money on. That is when the 5870X2 should be released and go 50% faster than anything else in existence until g300 finally appears.

It shouldnt really be much different from last year, the main difference is all the ATI's are dx11.
You realize he all but admits those prices are pure speculation, not fact in any form.

I speculate that ATI will coat their GPUs in cocaine so that when the fan spins it distributes powder coke in the air making you addicted to turning on a new ATI graphics card for the first time, and because of that the series will all be over $500.

Not that his predictions are all THAT ridiculous, they actually sound reasonable if these cards perform on the high end of speculation, just that speculation is just that, speculation and not fact.
The thing to remember is that ATi is a price maker this time, last 3 times they were price-takers, since nV set the bar and ATi priced against it.

I would be surprised if ATi launched low, compared to launching high, and then dropping the price every month, and especially keeping reserve pricing to see what nV brings.

The main issue will be the performance versus old cards, and the pricing thereof.
Almost regardless of the set price, there will be other HD4K and GTX# cards that will offer better price/performance initially, just like every other launch in recent history, with some SLi or Xfire solution offering more initially too.

However I would not be surprised if they launch with a very high price for the X2, and then a somewhat high price for the HD5870, and then a more 'ok I could probably afford that' price for the HD5850 and it's bretheren to start with.

Without competition, and with any potential worry on a run on cards initially, there's little pressure to price them at any discount so much as introduce a price, and then after the eager initial adopters with deep pockets buy every new card available, then slowly start dropping the price to meet the demand/supply equilibrium.

It sucks if you were expecting some type of value-sale initially, but it's pretty much what everybody in business does, and I suspect that without any other pressure AMD will do the same to at least get max margin initially.