Question bad power issues in house, multiple PCs built and monitors,same problem please help!

Jul 25, 2020
right so, i built my first PC at the start of lockdown, everything was fine, very smooth and perfect. then all of a sudden my warzone bugged out when i changed the settings (blue fuzzy screen on the grass etc). this then effected my other games like fortnite where i had bad input delay and render problems. I had this issued looked at by a highly respectable Pc tweaker who couldnt even find a solution. So i assumed it as the PCs fault so i bought all new parts and made a new one, bam same issue again. even tried console on my monitor and that felt even worse. all my graphics were messed up on console i couldnt really see a thing. so i then assumed it was the monitor so i just bought a new one. and guess what, its not the monitor because it feels exactly the same. i literally just bought the new xbox and monitor and it feels like implaying on the xbox 360. bad input delays and graphics weird!

all my temps are fine ive done every single thing possible, but now im thinking its something to do with my bedroom or my plugs etc. Someone please help me youll be a life saver and ill be very happy!

Regards, Seb.

"when i changed the settings "

What settings did you change? What was the original reason for changing the settings? Did you change those settings back?

Do you have a backup image that could be used to restore your system to the "pre-change" image?

Update your post to include full system hardware specs and OS information.

Look in Reliability History and Event Viewer for error codes, warnings, etc...
i just basically put my warzone fps up, like everyone does by turning of shadows, water particles etc, all of that stuff. but ive reset my pc and indows multiple times so i dont think ill be able to do that.
If I were you I would take my new monitor and my new Xbox and go test them at somebody else’s house. At least that will dispel any issues whether it’s your house causing this problem