Question be quiet! Dark Rock Pro 4 or the GPU? Whistling/squeaking type sound


Jul 16, 2016
So, this sound started last week. be quiet Dark Rock Pro 4. ASUS Dual GeForce RTX 4070 OC Edition GPU. I noticed this sound and then took a video sample. PC not under any heavy load, just normal tasks like browsing.

Here is what I did so far. I took the graphics card out, and turned on the PC, and I noticed the sound was gone. PC was probably off for about 10-15 minutes before turning it back to see if it was the GPU or it was coming from the cooler. I thought maybe it was the fan in the middle of the cooler.

I reseeded the graphics card and it hasn't made a sound since until this morning. I turned PC off for like 3 minutes, turned it back on, and the noise has stopped again and hasn't returned. It will probably come back, but what do you all think it is? The GPU or the cooler? Trying to do process of elimination here, but any suggestions/guidence would he helpful. Thanks! :)
You might want to take a sheet of A4 paper, then roll it into a cylinder, holding one end to your ear while the other end is used to probe for the source of the sound.

For context, please list the specs to your build like so;
CPU cooler:
include the age of the PSU apart from it's make and model. BIOS version for your motherboard at this moment of time.

If you think it's the cooler's fans, remove them sequentially, running the cooler with one fan, then see if the sound can be isolated to the cooler.

Moved thread from Components section to Systems section.
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