I wouldn't do 6 fans on a single header even if rated at 2amps, most are just 1amp, and I know they use 0.16amps, but I just wouldn't trust it myself even if under the rated limit, the spin up amps can be quite a bit higher for a split second and that can do damage over time.
Most can safely do up to 3 if the fans are low power enough, but some higher end fans if the total amp output is more than 1amp, I wouldn't do even 3 fans on a single header.
You'd probably want a fan splitter that gets its power from the PSU, and uses a header on the board for the fan speed to play it safe. Or just split 3 on one header, and 3 on a another.
I've personally cooked a motherboard by using 3 Ultra Kaze fans on 1 header, all 3 fans used about 0.60amps, well over that 1amp limit, it would probably have been fine, in fact it was for a while, but when they power up it common for them to consume more than that at the initial spin up which can kill a header, in my case I killed the board, the board refused to work after that.
I would avoid 6 on one header, it might work for a while but I wouldn't trust it, if a fan says it takes 0.25amp, you can expect to see 0.50amp or more at the first power up. Watts really isn't too important with the headers, you will usually run into a amp limit before you max out the watts a header can do.