Hey, I recently purchased a Dell Optiplex 7010. I have no way of getting an ethernet cable in my room as my router is downstairs so I have had to order a PCI-E WiFi adaptor, I know that these fit in PCI-E slots, (16x 1x etc.), however I can't put it in the 1x slot as my GPU blocks it. Are you able to put a WiFi adaptor in the 16x PCI-E slot (wire x4)? Maybe this is a stupid question, but this is the only option left. Does the wire x4 part matter? I just saw on the user manual that the slot doesn't just say 16x, it also has (wire x4) at the end. This threw me off and confused me, I have googled what the wire x4 part means however I just want to know whether a WiFi adaptor (that would work in a normal 16x PCI-E slot) would work in this other slot on the Dell Optiplex 7010 motherboard.
Thank you
Thank you