I'd say no, because:
1)You're already cpu limited with the single 16GB stick of memory. Fixes for this is the following:
-add another 16GB stick - not recommended, due to ram lottery
-get a new 2x 8GB kit
-get a new 2x 16GB kit
2)The current 500w psu. This is below the 2060 Super's 550w recommendation, and far below the 2070 Super's 650w one.
Granted, it is possible to run gpu's with psus below the recommendation(which is for liability purposes on the company's end), but I do not have confidence in prebuilt psus, which are only really 'just enough' for their stock configurations.
The moment you start adding, or upgrading things, you can run into problems.
3)That case looks like a sauna! I wouldn't bother trying to put any stronger...