I recently got new parts for my computer, basically making it a whole new build apart from my 2 hard drives. Ever since then, I have been experiencing crashes at random moments. By random, I mean I have crashed right as I logged in to my computer, or crashed after 3-4 hours of playing intensive games. My screen will either go black with a loud screeching noise that lasts about a second then reboots, while another crash I experience is my computer completely freezing up keeping the last image I was looking at while having a constant screeching noise until I power down my computer holding down the power button. There is no correlation with my crashes, as I'll crash while gaming, or just simply browsing the internet. I was not having these issues in my previous build, so I tried swapping out my new graphics card (GTX 1660) with my old one (GTX 750 Ti) and ended up having the same problem, just that it seemed like there was a greater window in between my crashes. Having said my previous sentence, I believe that it could either be my CPU or motherboard, but I'm not sure.
Specs: (RAM is DDR4)
These issues are not caused by any of my parts overheating as I have monitored my temps while gaming and they never reach dangerous levels. I have tried absolutely everything that I have found on the internet relating to my issue in the slightest bit, and nothing has solved my problem. I’ve tried sfc, DISM, getting my drivers set up and up to date, and even reset my pc using the windows “reset this pc” function. Nothing has worked.
Specs: (RAM is DDR4)
These issues are not caused by any of my parts overheating as I have monitored my temps while gaming and they never reach dangerous levels. I have tried absolutely everything that I have found on the internet relating to my issue in the slightest bit, and nothing has solved my problem. I’ve tried sfc, DISM, getting my drivers set up and up to date, and even reset my pc using the windows “reset this pc” function. Nothing has worked.
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