Question CPU Fan Speed


Mar 29, 2019
First of all hello.

AMD A10 7860K (Stock Cooler)
GigaByte GA-F2A78M-HD2
2x8GB DDR3 1866

My current problem is my CPU fan spins at around 4.6kRPM under full load and idle around 2.2K.

Solutions I have tried:
Cleaning the heatsink and reapplying thermal paste.
Adding two additional fans to create more airflow over the CPU cooler. 1 In. 1 out
Updating my BIOS to the latest version.

The only other option I can think of is to change the cooler and go for a more suited cooler like the Hyper 212 Evo.

My CPU temps are:
Load: 65 Celcius
Idle: 35 Celcius

Any suggestions to fix my problems?
My first thought is to doubt your fan speeds. There are VERY few special-purpose fans that run at 4600 RPM max, and virtually none of those are used in computer cases, let alone on a CPU chip. So that leaves me wondering how you got that information? What measurement tool or software utility gave you those numbers?

The one source of speed info I would trust first is the speed shown in BIOS Setup. Even that CAN be wrong IF you have made some odd connections involving more than one fan.

So, tell us what gives you those speeds. Then tell us what your BIOS Setup screens tell about the same fan.
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Sorry for the delayed response.

I mainly use HWinfo64 for fan speed and measure thermals using AMD overdrives thermal margins.

The BIOS is reporting the same numbers as HWinfo and the fan header has been reseated and the same problem prevails.

Thanks for the response. :)
Also, just to clarify, when I say max I means the max I experience when running my machine under load. The maximum the cooler can do is 6000RPM but mine operates mainly at 3.2k to 4.6k.
OK, so the fan speeds you report are correct. Now I'm not clear on why those speeds are a problem. MAYBE you find the high speed too noisy? Or MAYBE you wonder why it won't go faster to give better cooling - you say it is rated to reach 6000 rpm max, but never goes there. However, it DOES change speeds according to workload, so the control system IS working. What that suggests is that the fan configuration needs to be changed. See your mobo manual p. 21. "CPU Fan Speed Control" is set to "Normal" by default, and I'm guessing it is still set that way. You CAN change the "Fan Speed Percentage" value to a higher number to force the fan to ramp up to higher speeds at higher temperatures, but that only actually takes effect if you ALSO change the "CPU Fan Speed Control" to "Manual", and THEN do the SAVE and EXIT process.
I have already adjusted the fan speed in the BIOS to run at the lowest RPM option. My current fan setup is two 120mm fans at the front of my case, one at the top of my case and one at the back of my case. However, these fans were added after the problem occurred and were an attempted solution to my problem.

Thank You for the Response
That little red CoolerMaster fan is a screamer. The heatsink is the same one that came on the old kaveri APU's, not the upgraded version that came on the FX 6300+ and that you'd get with a A10 7870k. When you hear horror stories of ppl's games getting drowned out even with headphones, this is the AMD stock cooler responsible.

I'd replace it. No ifs, ands or butts. Just when you do, make sure you are shopping for a cooler that actually fits inside your case. At 160mm tall, the hyper212 series doesn't always fit, and don't go with the EVO or any prior series, the mounting system is horrible and can leave you with high temps easily. Stick with the new Black RGB version, it's mounting is almost the same design as Noctua's world class winning design.

Something like a Thermalright Macho rev.b would also be good, as will a Deepcool Gammax 400, which are cheaper than the hyper212 currently. (and out-perform it)