Yesterday, I received my RTX 2070 super, and I've been trying out some games. For some reason, no clue if it is related, my CPU usage is all over the place in PUBG and BF5, going from 30 percent to 60 to 40 to 80 in the span of 2 seconds. BF5 was already running pretty poorly before the GPU upgrade, so that didn't surprise me too much. I was wondering if a new GPU could be the cause of this weird CPU usage.
i5 8600K @ 4.00 Ghz
BeQuiet 750W bronze PSU
Z370 Extreme4 MOBO
2 samsung 750 EVO SSD's (one of them is also running poorly, as I found out today)
16GB Ram
I already tried transfering PUBG from the dying SSD to my other, with no succes. I just have a lot of stuttering in PUBG and BF5. In the Heaven benchmark, the CPU is also just going from 30 percent usage to 70 to 40 to 80 every second ( I know its for the GPU, but maybe its important to state).
(maybe important to note that when Idle, the CPU usage also keeps peeking and falling every second)
Another important thing to note is that I updated to Windows 10 today, if that could be revelant. (from 8.1)
Yesterday, I received my RTX 2070 super, and I've been trying out some games. For some reason, no clue if it is related, my CPU usage is all over the place in PUBG and BF5, going from 30 percent to 60 to 40 to 80 in the span of 2 seconds. BF5 was already running pretty poorly before the GPU upgrade, so that didn't surprise me too much. I was wondering if a new GPU could be the cause of this weird CPU usage.
i5 8600K @ 4.00 Ghz
BeQuiet 750W bronze PSU
Z370 Extreme4 MOBO
2 samsung 750 EVO SSD's (one of them is also running poorly, as I found out today)
16GB Ram
I already tried transfering PUBG from the dying SSD to my other, with no succes. I just have a lot of stuttering in PUBG and BF5. In the Heaven benchmark, the CPU is also just going from 30 percent usage to 70 to 40 to 80 every second ( I know its for the GPU, but maybe its important to state).
(maybe important to note that when Idle, the CPU usage also keeps peeking and falling every second)
Another important thing to note is that I updated to Windows 10 today, if that could be revelant. (from 8.1)
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