Well, do hope its not bait this, of the reviews cleeve did he had right, i give him the benfit of the doubt, and yes the build he is doing now will prove him right as well. Anyone that know how to build knows that
What conserns me that its just avarage framerate, ok, But well i seen a a change on Toms, they are getting more neutrual, i appricate that, thoose who rember old Toms, when they was the only site that actually said a prescot was better than an a athlon
, well u had hardcops to.
U can ask how did they prove that
Well they made sure that the grapic card was the bottelneck, so even a prescot could do well
, but that is yrs ago i hope they changed.
I have my doubts, but i actually think Cleeve is going to prove he knows what he is doing. He already admitted some faults i dont think he do them again, if he do, well "those who know better" can tell. Sad thing is that those who can not, cant tell.
I have trust that he gives a ok review, but the setup is as it is, and the i7 rig will win. Thats a fact, couse actually its a darn good cpu. But what is wrong is that hes not using the potesial to build a rig that can at least stand a change against hes 1300$ build, because there is.
If he had choosen diffrent on hes smb build it would be harder , but as it is now, a phii 940, am2+ 790fx motherbord, vertex and 2 x4870 will be a better overall computer.
What is the clue and why i7 will win this new build is, well pure and simpel, i7 is a better numbercruncher, 955 is just sligly better than 940, i dosnt clock much more that the 940, ddr 3 brings littel to the tabel for an phenom, in games hardly nothing, and hes not going to test min framrates.
So yes this new test he is doing will prove hes first test right, simple as that.
But with a bit smaller margins thou. But from a builders standpoint, he is doing the phenom setup all wrong
, but ok leave it with that, i recon i will leave this forum after reading the test