Question Display Issues with GPU - Need Help Diagnosing

Jul 21, 2024
Hello everyone,

I'm facing a frustrating problem with my PC and I'm hoping someone here can help me out.

Issue:A couple of days ago, my screen went black while playing CS2, but the sound kept playing and all LEDs and fans were still running. After shutting down and restarting, I got a "No input detected" message.

Steps I’ve Taken:

  1. Switched to Integrated Graphics: I connected my HDMI to the motherboard's port (using the integrated graphics) while leaving the GPU in place. This led to frequent blackouts and restarts.
  2. Removed the GPU: With the GPU removed, the system worked fine.
  3. Driver Uninstallation and Reinstallation:
    • Used DDU to uninstall the NVIDIA drivers.
    • Performed a clean installation of NVIDIA drivers.
  4. Checked BIOS: When I rebooted into BIOS with the HDMI connected to the motherboard and the GPU still installed, the GPU wasn't detected.
  5. Reseated the GPU: I reseated the GPU and repeatedly tried uninstalling and reinstalling the drivers. Sometimes, the GPU was detected, and I could use the PC for a few hours before it crashed again.
Observed Problems:

  • Total blackout
  • Total green screen
  • Total bright purple screen
When the GPU was detected, I tried shaking it slightly to check for loose PCIe slots or improper seating, but there was no effect.

Current Situation:I'm currently using my PC with integrated graphics, and the GPU is removed.

System Specifications:​

  • CPU: [Your CPU Model]
  • GPU: [Your GPU Model]
  • Motherboard: [Your Motherboard Model]
  • RAM: [Your RAM Amount and Model]
  • PSU: [Your PSU Model and Wattage]


  1. Is this more likely a GPU failure or a motherboard issue?
  2. Are there any additional troubleshooting steps I should take?
  3. How can I definitively determine if the issue lies with the GPU or the motherboard?
Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!


  • CPU: [Your CPU Model]
  • GPU: [Your GPU Model]
  • Motherboard: [Your Motherboard Model]
  • RAM: [Your RAM Amount and Model]
  • PSU: [Your PSU Model and Wattage]
What the sys specs really are? :rolleyes:

Is this more likely a GPU failure or a motherboard issue?
Most likely GPU gave up a ghost. If it were MoBo issue, you couldn't boot to OS even.

Are there any additional troubleshooting steps I should take?

How can I definitively determine if the issue lies with the GPU or the motherboard?
Try with 2nd, known to work GPU. With this, you can rule out MoBo PCI-E x16 slot being the issue.